
Can you recognize these Italian volcanoes? Test yourself with the Geopop quiz

THE’Italy it is a land of extraordinary geological beauty, characterized by the presence of numerous volcanoes, both active and quiescent, which have profoundly marked the history and the landscape of our country and often famous all over the world for their grandeur and danger. But would you be able to recognize them and locate them precisely on the map of our country? To stimulate yours curiosity and let you test your knowledge in a fun and educational way, we offer you a quiz with 4 images of some of the most famous Italian volcanoes. Your task will be:

  • Identify the name of the volcano depicted in the image;
  • Place it correctly on a map of Italy, indicating the exact geographical position.

Attention: scroll down the page slowly! Immediately after the quiz you will find the solutions with the name of the volcano and its correct geographical location.


Below, as anticipated, you will find the image-solution of the quiz, which shows the names of the substances and their types. So don’t go any further until you’ve tested yourself!

volcano quiz solution

The first is Vesuvius, a stratovolcano symbol of the city of Naples and famous for its danger, linked both to its explosive nature and to the quantity of people who live in its vicinity.
Then we have Stromboli and Lipari, two of the stratovolcanoes that form the Aeolian Islands: their main difference is that the first is still active, while the second has been dormant for centuries.
Finally, the last on the list is located in Lazio: we are talking about the Alban Hills, a system made up of three overlapping stratovolcanoes and famous for the lakes of the same name.

But why are there so many volcanoes in Italy? To find out, here’s a video ad hoc on the topic:

Video thumbnails