
meduse cosa e come mangiano

What do the jellyfish eat and how do they digest? How their gastrovascular system works

The jellyfishoften feared for stings and theirs I wait, they are marine animals belonging to Phylum of the Cnidariwhich hide a complex and fascinating world. Although composed for beyond 90% waterhave a gastrovascular system advanced that allows them to hunt zooplankton (Plancton composed of animal organisms), crustaceans And fish use cnidocisti poisonous to immobilize the prey. Some species, such as ...

Gatto fusa

Why do cats do the melts? They are a sign of well -being and relieve stress

Lovers of cats they feel great satisfaction in caressing their cat and feel that a constant and deep sound immediately activates, similar to a scooter: the melted. But how does the cat do to produce this sound and why do you emit it? Do other felines are also melted? Although the domestic cat (Felis Catus) convinced with the man for ...


Luna-marte conjunction is coming to accompany the alignment of the planets: how to observe it

Credit: Stellarium Eyes on the sky on Sunday February 9, 2025 between 19:30 and 21:00 to observe the Conjunction between the moon and Marswho will find themselves less than 1st angular distance in the sky while the spectacular astronomical event of thealignment of the planets started on January 25, with Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune simultaneously visible in ...


What are the rare lands found in Ukraine and why Trump wants them in exchange for aid

Military and financial aid to Ukraine in exchange for his Critic raw materialsincluding rare lands: this would be the agreement that Donald Trump He would like to stipulate with Kiev. Ukraine, in fact, is One of the top ten suppliers in the world (and the first in Europe) of strategic mineral resourcesof enormous economic importance especially for the technological industry ...


The history of Santorini’s eruptions and its evolution over time

The frequent and strong earthquakes in Santoriniin Greece, reached magnitude 5.2 and caused the state of emergency statement, with thousands of people who abandoned the island. The origin of the shocks is linked to busty movements Along the edge between the African plaque and the Aegean microplacca. However, these events have aroused enormous concern in the population since Santorini is ...

truffa phishing tupperware

The new scam that promises a Tupperware set from Esselunga or Conad: how to defend yourself

A New Phishing scam is circulating by e-mail exploiting the name and brand of companies of the GDO (Large organized distribution), like Esselunga or Conadto deceive users. The message communicates the winning of an alleged prize which consists of a 36 -piece tupperware set. To redeem it, simply open a link and respond to a survey or, based on the ...

quanto vale opera arte chi decide

Who decides how much a work of art is worth?

What is the value of a work of art? It is a question that often happens to ask: meanwhile it is good to specify that there are more “values” of art, such as aesthetic, emotional or symbolic, or economic. The latter is often the most attractive criterion, because it quantifies the value of a specific work by linking it to ...

poliglotti piu famosi della storia

The most famous polyglots in history, from Cleopatra to Federico II of Swabia

There polygloxythat is, the individual ability to speak more languages In addition to one’s mother tongue, it is one of the most incredible manifestations of human intellect and requires cultural curiosity, memory and cognitive flexibility. The term polyglotwhich derives from the Greek and is composed of Poly- “poly-“ And glṓtta “tongue”is often used to describe people able to speak more ...

Striscia di Gaza

Is the Trump plan to make Gaza the “Riviera del Middle East” has historical precedents?

The idea advanced by Donald Trump on the Gaza Stripwhich aims to transfer about 2 million Palestinian Arabs In neighboring countries such as Jordan and Egypt to create a tourist “Middle East” Riviera, it does not have clear historical precedents but brings to memory several episodes of deportation and forced exodus. However, there are as many analogies as the deep ...