The Canada they United States They are respectively the second and fourth country in the world by territorial extension. Located both in the northern part of the American continent, they share the longest border existing between two sovereign nations. Founding members ofUN and of the BORNthe two countries have a built over decadesalliance solid on the pitch political-militationwhile in the economic one the production chains and industrial systems have probably reached the highest level of integration existing between two countries in the world. However, as the controversies unleashed by the new American president of the American president demonstrate Donald Trump“Guilty” of proposing “An annexation of Canada like 51or state of the Union”, There are not even the i Pareal reasons.

Canada and the US: from the pre -Columbian past to the European colonies
The first populations Paleo-Indianfrom which modern Nessenda descend, the colonization of the territories of North America began, starting from Siberia, at least 14,000 years ago. A subsequent migration, around the IX-X century AD then saw the arrival in the arctic areas of nomadic hunters ancestors of modern Inuit (Eschimesi). If some sporadic contacts are excluded with the people Viking around the year 1000 AD, the North American indigenous populations entered permanently in contact with the Europeans after the colonization started by Cristoforo Colombo. The first European, French specifically, arrived in Canada in 1534, and in 1607 the territories of the United States of America were colonized by the British.
The continuous wars between British and French (and their respective indigenous allies) for the domain of North America ended in 1763 when, at the end of the Seven years warwith the Treaty of Paris France ceded all its territories to Great Britain. The British, to ingratiate themselves with the French -speaking settlers of the so -called “New France” they preferred to keep their traditional from an administrative and legal point of view “Thirteen colonies” From the new regions conquered, thus causing a separate and independent development of the territories that would then become the Canadian Confederation and the Union of the United States of America today.
The consequences of the war of American independence on Canada and the USA
During the American independence war (1775-1783) and the next Anglo-American war (1812-1815), the American tried on four different opportunities to invade the Canadian territory, however, they were always rejected by the troops of His British Majesty supported strongly by local militias, both Anglophones and Francoon. These events left an indelible trace in local popular memory and promoted over time the birth of a collective Canadian identity, based onanti -Americanism And on a balance between Anglophones and Francophones, Canada has built a reality “Binational”very different from the United States, where the national identity has plastered exclusively on Anglo -Saxon values and traditions.
In the 19th century, while the Far West He raged both in the north and south of the border, Canada and the United States began to tighten closer ties: the turning point came in 1867, when London granted Canada the status of “Dominion“(ie theself -government), actually transforming it into a country autonomous. Since then, Canada began to collaborate with other nations such as Australia, New Zealand and South Africa to support and exploit the British Empire.
Trump and the future of relations between Canada and the United States
Starting from the early twentieth century, the collaboration Between Canada and the United States, despite the differences and a certain basic diffidence, it began to materialize. Both countries participated in the first and Second World War from the side of Western allies And, subsequently, Ottawa and Washington became founding members so much ofUN how much of the BORN. The Canadian approach to the United States was also favored by the fact that, in the meantime, the British Empire was now in decline, and this had forced the old “Dominions” to contact the USA as a new guidance power of the so -called “Anglosphere”.

However, thinking that the Canadians accepted without reserve the American vision of the world would be a mistake. On the contrary, while the US focused onunilateralism And on their idea of ”manifest fate”, Canada chose the multilateralism as a pillar of his foreign policy, participating in all Peacekeeping missions Until 1989. Ottawa has also always been clearly refused to participate in all those wars that the United States of America started unilaterally, without a formal mandate by the UN (Vietnam War, invasion of Grenada of 1983, invasion of Panama from 1989, an Iraq war of 2003, just to name a few) taking part in those he considered correct.

Trump and the unknown of the future
Today the Canadian Confederation and the Union of the United States of America represent, perhaps, the most successful example of collaboration At all levels between two neighboring sovereign countries. Their economies and supply chains are fully integrated At all levels and every day almost half a million people and goods and services for a total of almost 3 billion dollars in value cross the border in both directions. However, it would be wrong to limit American-Canadian relationships to mere economic indicators since, for example, over 1 million Canadian citizens live permanently in the territory of the United States and an equal number of American citizens residence in the territory of their “great neighbor of the North” creating deep connections also on a human and socio-cultural level.

In recent years, however, starting from the first presidency of Donald Trump, the relationships between Ottawa and Washington have gradually made themselves more tense, also reflected in the profound transformations that are affecting the two “cousins”. In the United States, the “nivism“He continues to earn ground, winking in the most extreme elements of the American white society; in Canada, however, the company is increasingly embracing the multiculturalismto the point that, in the next decades, it could lose its traditional identity Binational Anglofona-Francofona in favor of a new, more fluid and indefinite.
It is not clear at the moment that the folder will take in the future American-Canadian relations: if you want to literally interpret the words of the new Trump President Trump would not be cheerful, it is hoped that such a historic partnership will not be sent to the Air suddenly because of unclear power games.