Crown puppeteer, Fedez and Angelica, Chiara with Achille Lauro and the other gossip to read on the weekend
Dear readers and dear readers, a media earthquake is making the instagrammable buttocks of local Vip tremble. Nobody feels more safe: every sigh could become scoop. First the chapter Bruganelli-Bonolis narrated by Selvaggia Lucarelli and now the final collapse of the Ferragnez were. Of this and other gossips you will read in our weekly column “Facts”, but first the memory two names of Italian information and a reflection on the Ferragni-Fedez-Corona issue.
The memory due
This week, the world of information and entertainment was marked by two dead, that of Fabio Postiglione, journalist of Corriere della Serawho died in a road accident at just 44 years old and Fiore de Rienzo, historical envoy of Who saw it and father of Libero de Rienzo. De Rienzo was 65 years old, the brothers and editorial staff of the Rai3 program gave the sad news. A thought
The dirty clothes reinforced with social networks
“Pay attention to those who tell the family events”, I was told to the birthday of the 18 years … maybe Fedez would need someone who warned him.
By putting aside the why and and the way, it is perhaps necessary to make two considerations. The first is that Ferragni and Fedez will no longer need washing machines to wash dirty clothes in the house, they have a crown that thinks about it. The second, much more important, is that if human memory partly cancels, Internet and social media no. The Amabili Leone and Vittoria, growing up, will be able to read such a vast offer of articles, videos, memes and postgram posts, which tell the story of their parents – which is also theirs – to be frightened. Perhaps only the crash of a meteorite on Earth could grant them the media oblivion that they deserve.
What did it serve to stop the sharing of their sweet faces on social media, if the dynamics of the relationship between mom and dad have become a soap work that ennobles Beautiful? How is it possible that almost 10 years of marriage have been crumbled not by those directly concerned, but by Fabrizio Corona? Among other things, he also publishes private conversations that he himself has recorded. But the interlocutors, Fedez, his assistant Eleonora Sesana, Angelica Montini, his alleged lover, did they know they were registered? And did they know that their words would be used on videos that exceeded 3 million views on YouTube in not even three days?
Now, my dear gossip addicted, here is the mega summary of the week that is about to end. Good scoopReading dish.
Who is Romano Bindi, the Corona man calls “Tortino”: Fedez’s ‘rival’
I saw her who kisses him, who kisses her, who kisses him …
Fedez is said to have granted Corona, that of all this situation is the puppeteer, the possibility of revealing his betrayals, with all the annexes, because the former paparazzo of the VIPs would be aware of a “secret of Pulcinella”. The voices circulate in the environment, but at the moment it is mere chatter.
Regardless of what Corona could have a bare on Fedez, the result is a cauldron in which the ingredients are real people, not puppets. It seems the transposition into live-action of Annalisa’s song “Mon Amour”. People first foreign to the world of gossip weeklies suddenly became ‘VIP’ that we want to know everything. Who are Angelica Montini, the 28 -year -old who has always been in love with the rapper, and Romano Bindi, the man renamed “Tortino” who made Federico jealousy crazy? And then, really, Fedez wanted to leave Chiara on the altar?
Fedez has decided to speak and answer these questions in part. With some Instagram stories he clarified some details. In a moment of “weakness and fragility” he spoke with a crown of his love problems, trusting. When he had said everything now realized that it was too late: “I tried to stem this news in every possible way”, but his efforts were not enough.
The rapper’s words are clearly contrasting what Ferragni had revealed. Chiara declared that she knew everything. He confirmed the betrayals of Federico and also the terrible detail of the altar that Fedez denies instead. Meanwhile, Corona continues to launch provocations. The last? He claims to have important details to be revealed on Chiara (which we remember will have to go to trial for aggravated fraud for the Pandoro and Easter egg case) and the alleged flirtation with Achille Lauro.
Ferragnez, in the end the charity was more true
When Ferragni, Fedez and the father of his lover went on vacation together (then the furious quarrel): the photos
Chiara Ferragni: “It has been translated from 2017, she thought she didn’t get married. For him I was one to make fun of”
The Achilles heel of Ferragni
In the last few hours, the attention has shifted on Chiara. Ferragni would have been attending a few days with Achille Lauro. At the moment it is only rumors, but Corona, Alessandro Rosica (former friend of Fedez and gossip expert) and Dagospia assure that there has been a tender between the two. Dagospia then added another detail: Chiara and Lauro would meet on the island of Albarella; She would not have been very discreet and their escapade would have been discovered … the next episode of “False”, the column of Corona who mocked “Verissimo” by Silvia Toffanin, should speak of Chiara and Achille and should come out on February 10, that is A day before the start of Sanremo …
Fabrizio Corona replies to Chiara Ferragni: “You have always betrayed Fedez, also with Achille Lauro”
Fedez, betrayals and lover. His mother breaks the silence
Fedez envious of Mr. Pirelli
The Ferragnex chapter, however, does not end there. According to Selvaggia Lucarelli, Fedez could be envious of the wealth of Giovanni Tronchetti Provera. In addition, Federico would have been a lot to do to find out if his ex -wife was, or not, pregnant with the entrepreneur. Federico would be “very agitated” for this link. And, according to Lucarelli, this impatience of Lucia would be linked to the fact that “Tronchetti Provera is rich, very rich and Fedez is not as rich as he”. Furthermore, Tronchetti could be Chiara’s anchor of salvation by solving “financial problems”.
“Fedez envious of Tronchetti Provera’s money, he asks everyone if Chiara is pregnant”
Eleonora Giorgi and the strength of love
Eleonora Giorgi is experiencing a particularly complicated moment. Pancreas cancer is metastatic and now awaits a “miracle”. Her family has tightened around her, and her children will do everything to make them “pleasant the time that remains”.
Surprising guest of the I Lunatici program, Giorgi said: “I keep hard, I am full of love, I understand how many bullshit we do throughout our life by waste our time, behind jealousies, useless anxieties, frustrations. The disease is advanced, appearance A miracle, all this puts me in an exceptional position, each of us has an expiry date, only that nobody knows “. Moving words that give the measure of how much love, despite everything, can do well to the soul.
Angelina Mango requires serenity
Angelina Mango, the star of Italian music, needs serenity. Since last October he took a break from the stage and social networks. He could not make better choice. The success suddenly broke out and the flames have wrapped it: now it must take care of the burns and must recover totally. The message he wrote on social networks is beautiful, but also very sad: only far from social networks did he understand that he is really “alive”. We are with you Angelina.
Domestic accident
Giovanna Civitillo, Amadeus’ wife, had an accident in the bathroom of her home in Milan. A pressure of pressure made him disappearly fall on the ground a sub-analogue of the shoulder and a cut under the chin so they had to put three points. “I feel miraculous, it could have been worse,” said Civitillo. We wish you a quick healing.
The hunchback
This week he certainly doesn’t need new Gobbi shots, but here Fabrizio Corona announces that he has written a new book. What is the title? “Fedez’s true great love”. A 128 -page tome whose synopsis is a mix of praise (in Corona): the video of 3 million views is mentioned and the fact that the writer is the only one to know the truth about the rapper’s matters: “What a , you love it or you hate it, she is not afraid to reveal the distortions behind the world of entertainment and social networks “. Well if it’s not another stroke humps for this …