
Days of the Merla: when they fall, what are their meaning and what is

They are called Days of the Merla The last days of January (29, 30 and 31), which are traditionally considered the coldest days of winter and in general of the year (even if meteorology is not so, at least for Italy). The reason behind the choice of name could depend on the common association between the blackbird (Tardus Merulaa sparrow bird of the Turdidi family) and the springbut there are more hypotheses on the choice of the term we will talk about at the bottom of the article.

What are the days of the merla

THE Days of the Merla they fall traditionally on 29, 30 and 31 Januarythe last 3 days of the month. Based on other sources, however, this period slips of one day and is placed between January 30 and February 1st.

According to popular beliefs, the days of the merla would be the coldest of the yearthose in which the lower temperatures of the whole winter. Furthermore, according to the popular proverb, if the days of the merla actually prove cold, the spring will be hot and there will be good weather; On the contrary, if they have more mild temperatures, spring will be slower to arrive and will remain cold. But There is a fund of truth Behind these beliefs?

Thermometer in the snow

Meteorological statistics of the Days of Merla

To tell the truth, no, beliefs are not supported by scientific evidence. The Prealpine Geophysical Center, in fact, acquires and analyzes weather data for over fifty years in the Lombardy Region and has made interesting considerations on these three days.
The period analyzed (1967-2015) is characterized by these data:

  • Average temperature of the three days: 3,6 ° C
  • Average of maximum temperatures of the three days: 7.3 ° C
  • Average of minimum temperatures of the three days: -0.1 ° C

Considering that the average temperature of the month of January (in the analyzed time period) is around 2.9 ° C, the days of the Merla show an increase of 0.7 ° C compared to the monthly data, confuting popular belief. In other words, the more the month proceeds the more the Average temperature grows And so the last days of the month are more hot. Clearly the values ​​can vary from place to place and year to year, but the general trend is clear.

Winter and spring

Tales and popular traditions today

The figure of blackbird as anticipator of spring It is part of very ancient traditions, which came up to us through literature and popular stories. Think, for example, that Dante was already talking about it in 1300 within the Divine Comedy.

Over the years this tradition has not disappeared and, on the contrary, it is still present in particular in CremoneseIn the Maremma and in Friuliplaces where this anniversary is still used with parties and large bonfires. These days are also remembered thanks to stories, stories And nursery rhymes who recall the concepts of death and rebirth and the alternation of the seasons. We propose some of them, the most widespread, resumed and diversified in the various cities and regions starting from a common base.

Merlo (Turdus Merula)

Why are they called “the three days of the merla”? Origins and legends

A first legend would explain why the blackbirds are black. It is said, in fact, that one merla and his chickswhite in color, they would have hidden in a chimney On January 28, looking for a place to escape the winter cold. They would therefore have dirty with soot And, once they were released on February 1st, they would have completely resulted in black colorfrom that moment on the typical aspect of the species.

Another version of the story features the merla (alone) and winter. In this case, the bird hides in a chimney for the most of January and comes out only at the end, thinking that he has managed to escape the winter, mocking the latter and boasting. Winter does not take it well and, to give it a lesson, asks for a few days on loan in February and makes you come back Freddo, snow And ice.

frozen river

A different story is proposed by Sebastiano Pauli his Tuscan ways of saying sought after in their origin (1740) and features a cannon called “Merla

A last story deals with the story of Two young spouses, Blackbird and merlaforced to cross the Po to go home. Also in this case we are at the end of January and the river is frozen. Unfortunately, in the passage of Merlo the slab gives under the weight of the young man who falls into the water and dies. The young bride, who survived but widow, cries so much that her complaints become part of the river. It is said, in fact, that it is still possible today hear his tears on the nights of the end of January.