Come aggiungere patente e tessera sanitaria con IT-Wallet su app IO

IT-Wallet becomes available to everyone: how to upload documents to the IO app

From today Wednesday 4 December 2024 on digital wallet IT-Wallet becomes available for all Italian citizens allowing you to upload to theIO app (available for Android and iOS) driving licence, health card and European disability card via SPID (Public Digital Identity System) or CIE (Electronic Identity Card). The service eliminates the need to carry physical documents, but it is not mandatory and does not invalidate the paper version of the documents. To activate and use the digital wallet, simply download the IO app, log in and use the appropriate function that allows you to add documents. In this in-depth study we explain how to upload documents to the IO app with IT-Wallet and also how and when you can use their digital version.

IT-Wallet: how to upload your driving license and health card to the IO app

There procedure for uploading documents to the IO app with IT-Wallet it is very simple and consists of the following steps:

  1. Start theIO app which, of course, you must have already downloaded and configured previously on your device.
  2. Log in using your preferred authentication method, such as unlock coderecognition with the facethe recognition with thefingerprintetc.
  3. Touch the button Start which is found in the notice New: Documents on IOwhich you should see at the top of the screen Messages of the IO app.
  4. Press the button Continues twice consecutively and select the method with which to identify yourself (SPID, CIE + PIN or CieID) and follow the instructions you see appear on the screen to complete the verification process. This step is essential to ensure data security.
  5. Make sure that your data (name, surname, date of birth and tax code) do not contain errors, press on Continues and touch the button Add first document.
  6. Select the document you intend to add to the Portfolio (e.g. Driving license, Health Card – European Health Insurance Cardetc.) and press on once again Continues.
  7. Tap the button Add to Wallet +.

To add one of the other documents available with IT-Wallet, simply execute theaccess in the IO apptap the item Walletpress the button Add to Wallet +select the document of your interest and essentially follow the same steps that we have just provided.

How to add documents to IT-Wallet
How to add documents to IT–Wallet

IT-Wallet: how and when to use the driving license and other documents uploaded to the IO app

Let’s see now how and when to use the documents uploaded to the IO app. Let’s start by saying that at the moment it is not possible to use the documents without an Internet connection. And if you think of solving this critical issue with a screenshot, know that it is not possible, as the documents have legal value only when they are shown from the appropriate section of the IO app.

As for the digital version of the driving licenceit is possible to use the latter instead of the paper version of the document in case of checks by the police to demonstrate one’s suitability to drive, provided that these checks take place on Italian soil. In the future it will be possible to use the digital driving license even outside national borders. It is also important to specify that if during the inspection by the authorities you incur violations of the Highway Code which lead to the withdrawal or suspension of your driving licence, you will need to hand over the physical version of the document to the officers (if you do not have it with you). you must go to the nearest police station as soon as possible to complete this operation). Once the provision has been recorded, the entry will appear on the digital version of the driving licence Revoked.

If during the check the agents ask you to show the certificate of authenticity of the document, to show it simply follow these steps:

  1. Access theIO app on your smartphone.
  2. Touch the voice Wallet.
  3. Select the document Driving license.
  4. Touch the voice Show certificate of authenticity.

By doing so, the authorities will be able to read the data by scanning the QR code that will appear on the screen.

How to show your digital driving license certificate of authenticity in the IO app
How to show your digital driving license certificate of authenticity in the IO app

The information reported in the previous lines clearly also applies to the digital version of the health card.