Red Carpet, the Prime Video show is irresistible
From January 9th, the four episodes of Red Carpet – Vip al carpet, a new Italian game show hosted by Alessia Marcuzzi with Gialappa’s Band, will be available on Prime Video.
A simple and effective show, which offers two hours of peaceful fun for the whole family. If you don’t believe us about trust, follow us in this review, which begins with the explanation of the game’s mechanics.
How Red Carpet works – VIPs on the carpet
Alessia Marcuzzi is the boss of a mysterious bodyguard agency, and the bodyguards are divided into three teams: Brenda Lodigiani, Herbert Ballerina and Antonio Ornano are the Branzinos; Ginevra Fenyes, Awed and Pierluca Mariti are the Ornitorincos; Francesco Arienzo, Michela Giraud and Gabriele Vagnato are the Babbuinos. Three divas are assigned to the three teams: Elettra Lamborghini for the Branzinos, Cristiano Malgioglio for the Ornitorincos and Valeria Marini for the Babbuinos.
One team at a time, the bodyguards must escort their respective divas along a path full of obstacles – some the same for everyone, others different – and take them to the limousine. The only rule is that the divas must not touch the red carpet, otherwise they have to forgo a bodyguard.
The two teams that take the least time (and with the least penalties decided by Gialappa’s) to complete the course created in the garden of a splendid villa win the race and advance to the final.
Where there are two new VIPs to escort, namely Melissa Satta and Giulia De Lellis. And we won’t say anything else so as not to give away spoilers, but if you want an in-depth review, you can find the official trailer of Red Carpet – VIP on the carpet.
Our opinion on Red Carpet
A villa with a garden, a red carpet, three teams of comedians and a group of divas in evening dresses. Add a very good (and always wonderful) host and two professional hecklers and you will have a show that without special effects or particular inventions perfectly fulfills its task: to entertain.
Red Carpet – VIP on the carpet makes you laugh because it works, and it works because the ingredients that make up this show are expertly dosed and used with skill.
A mix of Mai dire Banzai and LOL which is perfect for the vitriolic comments of Marco Santin and Giorgio Gherarducci, and a very perfect cast in every part (but let us spoil a standing ovation-worthy Valeria Marini). Two hours of television that have the only flaw of passing too quickly: personally, we would have seen ten more episodes.
Rating: 7.6