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The Chinese New Year: how do you calculate the date and what are the traditions that characterize the party?

The New Year is the Main Popular Feast of China. The celebration falls between January 21 and February 20, but the exact date changes every year, because it is based on the ancient lunisular calendar in force until 1912. In China the celebration foresees Three days of national festival and gives rise to great celebrations. On the evening the families meet for dinner together And on the following day parades of allegorical floats and other shows are organized. The complete cycle of the hard celebrations fifteen days. Many traditions of the New Year are also observed by Chinese communities abroadincluding the resident of Italy.

The Chinese calendar and the date of the New Year

The People’s Republic of China adopts the Gregorian calendarthe same we use in the West. However for the holidays, including the New Year, the Chinese still follow the calendar that was in force until 1912. Being a Lunisolare calendarthe date of the beginning of the year always falls in the same period, but not on the same day (as happens by us for Easter).

Page of a Chinese calendar (Credits Orientiomesh-W)
Page of a Chinese calendar. Credits: Orientomesh – W.

In this regard, it must be remembered that the lunisolar calendars measure the passage of time according to At the phases of the moonbut, unlike “pure” lunar calendars, add “extra” days to adapt the calculation of the days per calendar year. The trick is necessary for a lunar monththat is, a complete rotation of our satellite lasts 29 and a half days. Consequently, twelve months have a duration of 354 or 355 days and, resulting in the shorter lunar year than the sunflower, days (or entire months) are added to adapt it.

In the Chinese lunisular calendar, every year it is composed of twelve months (thirteen when you have thirteen full moons between the eleventh month of one year and the eleventh month of the following one). Every month he begins with the new moon and the year begins to the Second new moon after the winter solstice (the third in the years of thirteen months). Therefore, the date of the New Year is mobile, but falls always between January 21 and February 20. In 2025 the January 29th.

It should also be remembered that every year is associated with a sign of the Chinese zodiacaccording to a cycle that lasts twelve years. The year that begins in 2025 is theyear of the snake.

The Dragon of the Chinese zodiac (Credits Angelus)
The Dragon of the Chinese zodiac. Credit: Angelus

The customs of the New Year in China

The Chinese New Year, officially called Spring Festivalhas very ancient origins. The first mentions of the celebration date back to the time of the Han Dynasty (Between the third century BC. C. and the III D. C.) and with the passing of the centuries numerous traditions have developed to the anniversary. Currently, in China the New Year foresees Three days of national festival (which, associated with the weekend, are transformed into a week of vacation) and in general those who live in other areas of the country take advantage of the holiday to return home. The customs vary according to the regions, but some traditions are widespread throughout the country, such as organizing a dinner with the whole family on the evening of the eve. On the tables you put food in abundance and often there is theHot-Potthe pot with spicy sauce in which skewers and other foods are poured.

During the New Year’s day, the cities organize the Lion dancethat is, the parade of an allegorical wagon that represents a lion, and light up Out of fireworkswidespread throughout China.

The cycle of celebrations ends on the fifteenth day, during which the Lanterne Festival: families leave the house bringing with them a Chinese lantern, which children often fly.

Lanterne Festival (Credits -Zest)
Lanterne Festival. Credit: Zest

In the decorations for the New Year the year predominate the red And among the customs there is to give money (sometimes only in symbolic quantities) placed within red envelopes.

The Chinese New Year out of China

The New Year is not celebrated only in China, but also in many countries of theFar East and in the Chinese communities emigrated to the rest of the world.

In East, The holiday was introduced by citizens of Chinese origin (which are very numerous in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and other territories), but has also become popular in the rest of the population and in many countries it is recognized as a national feast by the institutions.

Also the Chinese community emigrated to the West Celebrate the New Year, but in general the celebration involves the other citizens in limited extent and is not recognized by the institutions, with the exception of California and the State of New York.

Lion dance in New York
Lion dance in New York.

In Italythe New Year gives rise to celebrations in the cities that host the most numerous Chinese communities: Milan, Rome And Lawn.