matematica fisica perchè dialoghi di scienza

Why study mathematics and chemistry at university: what it means and what work prospects are

Who has studied a scientific subject at the University, such as Mathematics or Chemistry, you hear asking continuously “But why did you do it, are you crazy? I never understood anything!“This is because the belief has always been widespread that studying so vertical and sectoral subjects is something extremely complex and also not very practical or approaching everyday life. It is precisely from this false belief that the geopop format is born Science dialoguesa vodcast in which Dena and deserves – a chemist and a mathematics – which has the intention of changing the common perception of the study of sciences, trying to dissolve doubts and perplexities of those who do not know them but are intrigued by them.

In this first episode we talked about mathematics and chemistry, the sciences of belonging of the two conductors, who exchanged with each other opinions and stories of the their own experiences, trying to answer some questions.

The first is definitely: Why did you choose mathematics and chemistry? Those who do not love science often see them as something serious and not tangible, so it struggles to understand how such subjects can speak to our brain and our thoughts in many different ways! Study Mathematics – For example – it is very different from what we are led to think of high school. It may seem incredible, but making mathematics does not mean solving equations, limits, integral .. and spending time dealing! On the contrary, it is to understand where these tools come from and like us human beings we can use them to interpret the world around us. Yes, because mathematics has a noble and very difficult task: it is the language that the universe speaks, that the sciences speak to describe it! So all those strange equations and symbols that we see passing in front of high school in front of us, are actually the words that nature uses to allow us to interpret it, knowing how to read it and understand how it works.

And here comes the Chemistry! Once the language to be used is learned, chemistry allows us to understand how the matter works, how the different elements interact with each other and therefore study it and know it leads us to explain why and how natural phenomena happen.

Starting from this, Dena and Meribì tell how their passion for these subjects was born and how to decide to study at the university what was passionate about it was a choice that proved to be a winner, but certainly not easy! The world of work is in fact not a straight line as we can imagine and often it takes more attempts to meet the right job.

Don’t miss the complete video of the episode!