A new comedy series based on the 2021 Oscar-nominated feature film “The Mole Agent” is about to arrive on Netflix. It is called A Man on the Inside and is a title created by Mike Schur which adapts the story told in what was considered one of the best documentaries of 2021 into a serial form. The protagonist of the series is Ted Danson (The Good Place) in the role of a pensioner who finds new life when he responds to an ad from a private investigator and becomes a mole in a secret investigation. But let’s find out something more.
A Man on the Inside: the plot
Charles (Ted Danson) is a retired professor and believes that life has nothing left to offer him. A year after his wife’s death he feels trapped by routine and increasingly distant from his daughter Emily (Mary Elizabeth Ellis). But an ad posted by private investigator Julie (Lilah Richcreek Estrada) inspires him to try his luck with a new adventure. Charles’ mission: go undercover inside the Pacific View retirement home in San Francisco to solve the mystery of the theft of a family jewel. The residents and employees are all potential suspects and it will be up to Charles to solve the case without ending up in the sights of Didi (Stephanie Beatriz), the all-seeing and all-knowing director of Pacific View. But staying inconspicuous will prove difficult as the affable Charles quickly endears himself to the other residents. Being “an infiltrator” pushes Charles to embark on an exciting journey and to believe that life still holds many surprises for him, allowing him to reconnect with Emily in the meantime.
A Man on the Inside: the cast
In addition to Ted Danson, the series also stars Mary Elizabeth Ellis, Lilah Richcreek Estrada and Stephanie Beatriz.
A Man on the Inside: when it comes out on Netflix
Netflix’s new comedy series “A Man on the Inside” releases November 21, 2024.
The best Netflix series of 2024, so far
A Man on the Inside: the trailer