13 years after the film of the same name, directed by Stefano Sollima, Marco Giallini returns to the role of Mazinger in “ACAB”, a Netflix series available from January 15th. His is a controversial character, an agent with very questionable methods: “The approach was natural – he explains to Today – without involving anything, with the help of the director. Returning to that character was quite natural, as always happens to me with other characters too. I have this talent.”
Growing up in Rome during the Years of Lead, that difficult historical period characterized by violent uprisings against the police, he experienced it as a teenager but admits to having been on the other side of the barricade. And on the sense of justice he says: “There may be, but it must be a fair justice. We are a fairly democratic country, the sense of justice is fair but within certain limits. We need to see what idea one has of justice, once upon a time they cut off your head. We have to distance ourselves from the beasts, if we go towards the beasts it’s a mess. We are slowly getting back on track.
Director Michele Alhaique: “I put aside prejudices”
The director of “ACAB”, Michele Alhaique, talks about how he approached such a delicate series: “It’s complex. The first step you have to take is to put aside the judgment that we all have, this allows you to look at that world like this closed and apparently the same as itself, if you see it from the outside and it seems like a unique magma. Going to explore in depth means going to see the individualities behind it and facing the characters with a mind free from any prejudice – he explains – trying. to explore what the private and intimate conflicts of these characters and understand what consequences they have when they wear the uniform. On the other hand, however, see those conflicts and the physical violence they exercise or suffer in the field and then what consequences they have in private of the series”.