Acab is the new Italian Netflix series in 6 episodes directed by Michele Alhaique and starring Adriano Giannini. This is an action series taken from the literary work “Acab” by Carlo Bonini published in Italy by Giulio Einaudi Editore and conceived by Carlo Bonini and Filippo Gravino. The screenplay is by Filippo Gravino, Carlo Bonini, Elisa Dondi, Luca Giordano and Bernardo Pellegrini, with story editing by Filippo Gravino.
The series is also inspired by the film “Ahab” directed by Stefano Sollima, who serves as executive producer in this project.
Ahab: the plot
A night of ferocious clashes in Val di Susa. A team of the Mobile Department of Rome loses its leader, who is seriously injured. That of Mazinga (Marco Giallini), Marta (Valentina Bellè) and Salvatore (Pierluigi Gigante), however, is not a team like the others, it is Rome, which has learned to oppose the disorders with extreme methods and a tribal harmony, almost from family. A family that the new commander, Michele (Adriano Giannini), son of the reformist police, will have to deal with, for whom teams like that are the symbol of an old school, yet to be re-founded. As if the chaos that affects the new formation at the moment of maximum internal fragility were not enough, there is added that given by a new wave of people’s discontent towards the institutions. A new “hot autumn” against which our own people are called to take sides and in which each protagonist is forced to question the deepest meaning of their work and their belonging to the team.
Ahab: who is in the cast
The cast of the series is made up of Marco Giallini, Adriano Giannini, Valentina Bellè, Pierluigi Gigante and Fabrizio Nardi.
Ahab: when it comes out on Netflix
Ahab will debut on Netflix on January 15, 2025.
Ahab: the teaser trailer