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Air conditioning doesn’t make you sick, let’s dispel this false myth: here’s what science says

It is thought that the Freddo generated by theair conditioning can cause diseases, such as coldbronchitis or bacterial rhinitis. In particular it would be the famous “temperature change” the enemy to stay away from: go through 35 °C external to the 21 °C of a shopping center or a club would be harmful to your health. Let’s dispel this myth right away: the draft does not exist and the cold does not cause illnesses. Consequently, the cold air from the air conditioner does not cause disease.

In fact, air conditioning can be aally to counter potential heat stroke. In fact, the high temperatures of summer days can cause various problems to our body, such as excessive sweating and consequent dehydration. Therefore, lowering the external temperature allows us to reduce sweating, maintain a higher level of hydration and avoid all the consequences of heat stress.

Someone might now counter and say: “But I still get sick, how is that possible?”. To answer this question we must be aware that the illnesses they need virus and of bacteria pathogensnot the cold. Without them, we could even stay at -18 °C without getting sick. If, however, another individual infects us by transmitting some virus or bacteria, there is the possibility of contracting diseases.

In fact, when it’s very hot outside we look for places closed with air conditioning in which there are other people. Consequently, entering into contact with other people increases the probability of contracting some virus or bacteria and therefore getting sick. However, all this is not related to the air conditioning itself.

It must be said, however, that the dehumidifying effect of air conditioning could cause the famous “air conditioning headache“. According to several studies, the dehydration can actually cause bad of the head and consequently staying in a room with relatively low humidity can “dry out” our body causing dehydration and consequent headaches. The advice of experts therefore, to avoid this problem, is to drink regularly and keep the humidity highhydration of ours body.