Bonolis “little soldier” of Bruganelli, Lucarelli beats Toffanin and the other gossip to read over the weekend
Dear readers, here we are with a new episode of “Fatti Their”, the weekly column with a high level of gossip. What will end in a few hours has been a full-bodied week. The death of Oliviero Toscani has divided, as often happens, the country into two factions: those who remember him for his revolutionary work as a photographer and those who instead remember him for that sentence pronounced after the fall of the Morandi bridge in Genoa (“But who cares a bridge falls, let’s stop”), a sentence for which he apologized, but which inevitably affected the families of the 43 victims.
Here is the crème de la crème of gossip these days. Happy juicy reading dear gossip addicts.
Bruganelli does not lend Bonolis
Selvaggia Lucarelli broke the banks of a river that was ready to overflow. In his newsletter he revealed heavy details on the marriage between Sonia Bruganelli and Paolo Bonolis, but also on that between the presenter and his historic agent Lucio Presta. The tsunami was formed following Bonolis’ decision, but remote-controlled by Bruganelli according to Lucarelli (and not only), to leave Presta after 35 years. Already in recent days it had been leaked, through indiscretions, what Sonia’s weight would be in her ex-husband’s decision: everything seemed to revolve around economic issues. Lucarelli took care of dotting the “i’s” and also recounted details of the two’s private lives, bringing up her numerous betrayals, even with famous people.
People close to the former couple told Lucarelli about Bonolis becoming an “obedient little soldier”, a “zombie” man; of a husband who would do anything to make his second marriage work because of the “complex of not having been present with his first family”. Sonia would have played on this guilt and would have exploited it to keep Paolo to herself. Bonolis knew of the betrayals but did not rebel, Sonia – according to Lucarelli – increased her portfolio and in the meantime wanted to have more and more control over her husband’s work. “Over the years we have seen Paolo have an increasingly lateral role in his life and in his profession, as if he had surrendered to the idea of not having the strength to oppose his wife’s influence”, revealed a person close to the exes. Then, in 2023, the two announce their divorce; Sonia becomes involved with Angelo Madonia, and in the meantime Paolo misses the boat to return to Rai, host Sanremo, Affari Tuoi and a new edition of “Senso della vita”. Sonia is unable to become a juror on “Dancing with the Stars” and because with her companies, which manage the casting of her ex-husband’s programmes, she would not have been able to have “the role she had in Mediaset” in Rai.
Sonia’s reply was not long in coming, but the queen is in check… Who knows what move will be that will free her from falling off the board.
Prince of bidet
Intimate hygiene is a serious matter. For us Italians, the bidet is like pasta: a national monument. It is surprising that in Italy there is still no statue dedicated to the convenient ally of the toilet. Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy, our moral prince, has shocked those nostalgic for the monarchy – who look at the royal house of Windsor with eyes of envy – and not only by declaring that he has never used the bidet. It would make us shout: “Scandal at court!”, if only we had one. Emanuele considers it an object for “old people” and it is certain that only 50% of Italians use it. We will not open a survey, the truth could hurt and irritate the Italian buttocks. His words obviously caused a stir.
The royal confessions, however, were also others: we discovered that even princes pay for sex (his first experience was with a prostitute) and that they cheat. Are these big news? No. But Emanuele Filiberto has officially cleared them. Meanwhile, in Spain, gossip runs at the rate of castanets: Savoia has been seen in intimate attitudes with a woman who is not his wife, Clotilde Courau, but Adriana Abascal, former Miss Mexico and well-known face of Spanish high society.
From “Beautiful story” to “Beautiful bitch” is a moment
It was 2021 when Fedez sang “Bella storia” in a video clip in which Chiara Ferragni also appears. Three years later, that “beautiful” no longer describes their story, but a “bitch” woman. Sanremo will start on February 11th, but the show’s engines are already hot. The rapper will participate with the song “Battito” and, according to the journalist Gabriele Parpiglia, for the cover evening he will sing “Bella trova”. Marco Masini’s historic song could be a dedication – if it can be defined as such – to Chiara Ferragni, but also to that mysterious woman for whom his heart has been beating for years (already since he was married to the influencer). Nothing is known for sure about her, she would not be too young but not even old, she would love Fedez but she would be busy with someone else and therefore she really doesn’t want her liaison with the singer from Rozzano to become public knowledge. If Federico Lucia were to decide for another cover, Parpiglia underlines, it is only because his dig would have been unmasked. “Let the Sanremo Games begin”.
“Sanremo, Fedez’s attack: Bella Stronza will sing in the cover evening”
Chanel Totti at school… of social media
For months, those who follow the Totti-Blasi family have been wondering whether Chanel goes to school or not. Ilary and Francesco’s second daughter is in her last year of high school. The most attentive will have noticed that the almost 18-year-old shared a photo of the first – as well as last – day of high school in September and then nothing more. His Instagram profile, however, is full of moments spent in the gym, and posted at times when he should be in class, and on holiday. The keyboard lions and the gossips did not keep these considerations to themselves but often wrote them under the girl’s posts. Ilary Blasi intervened indirectly on the issue and declared that her daughter is not interested in TV, but in social media. Well, that was understood. Without going into the merits of school attendance, which we hope does not correspond to a flat electroencephalogram, she however revealed one of her wishes: she would like her to continue studying, perhaps following the social wave and enrolling in a university faculty that can train her on this path. In the meantime, however, the goal is the diploma.
Chanel Totti doesn’t go to school? Ilary Blasi breaks the silence
The gossippins
Fabio Canino faithful confessor
We talk about the sin but not the sinner. And so Fabio Canino did. The historic juror of Dancing with the Stars declared that in Milly Carlucci’s program the love stories that arise are many more than those that are told. Why keep the mystery? To avoid ruining families. More than Dirty Dancing!
Last, Jacqueline and the hidden child
Ultimo and Jacqueline Luna Di Giacomo have returned to Italy. The two were welcomed like rock stars by the singer’s many fans. All eyes, and lenses, were on their son, Aeneas, but no one was able to see him. Jacqueline, in the kangaroo version, hid it under the duvet. Meanwhile, no steps towards rapprochement seem to have been made either by the new mother or by Heather Parisi.
Difficult days
Katia Pedrotti and Ascanio Pacelli have been linked for twenty years. They met on Big Brother and never left each other again. They have two children, Matilda, 17, and Tancredi. These first days of 2025 were very heavy for them, Tancredi was hospitalized because he was unwell. Fortunately, he is better now but the family will have to “learn to live with a new normality”. These are the words used by Katia to describe the delicate situation they are experiencing. No further details were revealed and, indeed, maximum respect for their privacy was requested.
The Gobbo shot
Timing in journalism is crucial. Being able to get to the news before others contributes to the success of the scoop. This is what Selvaggia Lucarelli did to Silvia Toffanin. This weekend, Sunday to be precise, Paolo Bonolis will be a guest of Verissimo. The interviews are recorded on Thursdays and on Friday Lucarelli published the newsletter in which he revealed never-before-told indiscretions about Bruganelli’s betrayals and also about why, and how, the working partnership between Bonolis and his agent Lucio Presta ended. Therefore, Bonolis will not talk about all this. Of course, there will be a comment on what happened in recent weeks with Presta and his ex-wife, but – unless Toffanin had a tip-off – everything that Selvaggia wrote cannot have a comment. Oh yes, a really nice hunchback shot.