Today, Friday 6 December at 5.33aman earthquake occurred in the Campi Flegrei magnitude 3.4. The earthquake recorded an extremely shallow depth of approximately 500 meterswith its epicenter located in Pozzuoli, in the Ortodonico district. Following this event, a small seismic sequence developed which is still ongoing, with earthquakes of magnitude 1.4 (at 5.37am), 1.3 (at 6.19am), 2.2 (at 9.21am) and 1.5 (at 9.22am). ). The earthquake was also preceded by other smaller tremors, including one of magnitude 1.9 at 1:59 am. Fortunately, no particular inconveniences have been reported for the population, although the main shock was also felt in the western districts of Naples, such as Bagnoli, Fuorigrotta and Agnano.
Seismicity is linked to the periodic volcanic phenomenon of lifting And lowering of the soil which takes the name of bradyseism. As also reported by INGV in the latest bulletin relating to the Flegrea area, from the end of August to today an average lifting of approximately 10 millimeters per month: this is a value more than halved compared to what was observed during the first months of the year.
As can be seen clearly from this graph, during last spring the curve relating to ground lifting recorded a increase of its slope, while from summer onwards the values have once again stabilized around those of last winter. This decrease in lift rate has led, fortunately, to a less presence of earthquakes in the area and to a smaller magnitude. All this information allows INGV to state that:
Based on the current picture of volcanic activity outlined above, there are no elements that suggest significant short-term developments.