There Sicily is divided into 9 provincesconsidering among these also the Metropolitan City of Palermoregional capital, and two other metropolitan cities. Even if the number of provinces is lower than that of Lombardy, Sicily stands out for other particularities: it is in fact the largest region in Italythe largest island in the Mediterranean and the fourth most populous region in our country, with more 5 million inhabitants out of a national population of approximately 59 million people.
In this article we challenge you precisely on geography of Sicily: could you indicate exactly the position of the 9 Sicilian provinces on a map? For some it will be a simple task, for others a real challenge; in any case, the quiz has a noble objective: to help us review a bit of Italian geography, a subject that is unfortunately little studied in schools today.
To help you, we have prepared a map below with the 9 Sicilian provinces marked by different colors and the provincial capitals indicated in black. Try to guess! For those who need a helpimmediately below the image you will find the list of the provinces, since remembering them all is not a given. Finally, below the list, we have inserted the solution to the quiz, with the same map, but with the provinces clearly indicated for comparison.

For those who want a little help, below is a list of provinces of Sicilyarranged in alphabetical order and reporting the total population, surface area, population density and number of municipalities.
Province | Population (inhabitants) | Surface (km2) | Population density (inhabitant/km2) | No. of municipalities |
Agrigento | 410.323 | 3,055.90 | 134 | 43 |
Caltanissetta | 246,960 | 2,134.21 | 116 | 22 |
Catania | 1,071,041 | 3,575.36 | 300 | 58 |
Enna | 153,589 | 2,572.92 | 60 | 20 |
Messina | 598.165 | 3,266.06 | 183 | 108 |
Palermo | 1,198,594 | 5,005.06 | 239 | 82 |
Ragusa | 319,260 | 1,623.60 | 197 | 12 |
Syracuse | 383,604 | 2,121.8 | 181 | 21 |
Trapani | 412,976 | 2,469.41 | 167 | 25 |
Finally, here is the solution to the quiz: the map with the reporting of the 9 Sicilian provinces. How many were you able to guess? Try to challenge friends and relatives by sharing the quiz!