quiz geopop indovina gli stati dalla forma

Can you recognize these states by their shape? Test yourself with the Geopop quiz

The territory of each State has one silhouette unique and unrepeatable, even if there are countries that are more iconic than others: lo Italian “boot”.for example, is famous and recognizable throughout the world. THE state borders they often follow natural limits (waterways, deserts, mountain ranges, coastlines) and/or historical/cultural delimitations (think African or US square borders, for example). The fact is that, like the flag and the capital, the shape of a country is one of its primary distinctive features, essential for outlining a concise identity card. In this article-quiz we therefore put you to the trial: we have placed the shapes of. side by side on two lines 8 states of the world which we invite you to guess. Attention: there size of these silhouettes is not the right one stairs. Some of these countries, in other words, are much larger or smaller than the others, even if it doesn’t seem like it in the image, due to spatial composition needs. There purpose of the piece, however, is twofold: to entertain and, at the same time, to review a bit geographywhich unfortunately is little studied in Italy.

Below you will first find, for convenience, again thesilent imagewith the black silhouettes of the States, and then theimage-solution with the name of each country reported. Finally there will be some general information for each of them in a summary table. Scroll down the page slowly to avoid spoilers Good luck!

Note for those who want preliminary help: each column presents two countries from the same continent, in order (from left to right) Europe, Africa, America and Asia. The top row should be easier, while the second row should be more difficult. There is also a trick state, perhaps the most difficult of all despite its simple form.

geopop quiz guess states from the shape

Attention: Don’t go any further if you don’t want to see the solution! It is found below:

geopop quiz guess states from their shape solution

How many states were you able to guess? Try to challenge friends and relatives by sharing the quiz! Below you will find some in the table general geographic information on the 8 states: