It is the cluster of clusters of the European sector of cultural heritage and cultural and creative businesses. In other words, the point of convergence of organizations in the EU that bring public and private sectors together to promote the growth and innovation of this sector. It is called CR.EU Creativity Europe, and it is the Metacluster launched by the Venetian Cluster of Venice and Basilicata Creativa last May. On December 4th in Brussels, at the Ccitabel in rue de la Loi 26, CR.EU Creativity Europe will organize a meeting in which representatives of the European institutions and sector clusters will participate.
“The choice to organize this event in Brussels arises in particular from the decisive role that the European Commission had in achieving this important result”, we read in a press release. “The main objectives of the conference are to explain how a European Meta cluster is born, what the advantages of its creation are, how other clusters, but also interested individual companies, can participate in this initiative”, explain the organizers.
The cultural and creative business sector and cultural heritage it is becoming increasingly important at a European level so much so that it contributes, directly and indirectly, approximately 15% to the European GDP. The Venetian Cluster of Venice and Basilicata Creativa have launched concrete initiatives with the European Commission and the EIASME Agency to create a European coordination of the clusters belonging to these important sectors for the European economy and culture, signing the establishment of the CR.EU Creativity Europe the European Metacluster of cultural heritage and cultural and creative businesses.
“This is an important example of how public-private partnerships can contribute to the growth of European well-being and integration thanks to particular attention to European policies for SMEs, the backbone of the European economy in collaboration and by developing the strategies of European Commission”, we read in the press release. “The CR.EU Creativity Europe Metacluster coordinates and proposes discussion, development, training and service activities for European regional and national clusters and represents a connection point with European institutions”, concludes the note.