Today, at 3.31 pm, an earthquake of magnitude 3.8 hit the Ionian coast of Calabria, 3 km from the municipality of Carfizzi (in the province of Crotone). The earthquake has recorded a depth of 25 km and it was also clearly felt in other areas of Crotone, such as Crucoli, Umbriatico and Cirò Marina. Fortunately, no particular damage has been reported even if attention remains high, given that the earthquake in question was preceded a few minutes earlier by a 3.7 shock with epicenter in Cirò and followed by 5 more tremorsthe strongest of which recorded a magnitude of 2.9.
This seismic swarm, among other things, occurred at approximately 25 km away from the 5.0 magnitude earthquake of August 1: according to the Department of Physics of the University of Calabria, this would be the most intense earthquake in Calabria in the last 12 years. Again, fortunately, no victims were recorded.
In any case, these are phenomena that they don’t come completely unexpectedly: the area is in fact historically seismic, as confirmed by INGV itself. If we observe the image below in fact we can see a series of yellow squares: the size is proportional to the magnitude and inside each one the date of the relative earthquake is reported.

For further information, here is a video on why there are so many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in Italy: