Unfortunately it is still ongoing it seismic swarm which in the last few days has been hitting theArchipelago delle Cicladiin Greece, a short distance from the island of Santorini. In fact, only today, Tuesday February 4th6 shocks of magnitude higher than 4.0, the largest of which equal to 5.0. These are important values and, considering the beyond 200 SISMI From February 1, the authorities are in the utmost alert, especially for the possibility of a earthquake even stronger than those registered. Obviously this situation has alerted both the population and tourists heavily, which are abandoning the island also through flights predisposed ad hoc by the Greek government. Attention remains high for a possible eruption of the submarine volcano Kolumbo.
Earthquakes in Santorini in Greece: what happens
Although Greece is a country historically accustomed to living with intense seismic activity, quantity and concentration in a short period of time of so many shocks worries both the inhabitants and the Greek authorities. In particular, after in the morning of Monday 3 February A earthquake with epicenter just over 29 kilometers north east of Santorini has reached a magnitude of 5.0. According to the hypotheses ofGreek Institute of Geodynamicstheepicenter of most of the shocks of these days is located near theAnydros isletnorth of Santorini. The causes are to be found mainly in the subduction Between the African and the Eurasian plaque, responsible for an abundant seismic activity throughout the Hellenic area.
Seismic swarm in Greece and preventive measures: closed schools and structures for displaced people
To avoid panic, theEarthquake Planning and Protection Organization (Eppo), chaired by the Minister for Climate Change and Civil Protection Vasilis Kikilias, has issued a series of preventive measures aimed at the inhabitants of the Cyclades. For example, the closing of schools Until Friday 7 February in Santorini, but also in other islands such as Anafi, iOS, Amorgos, Paros, EveriParos and Naxos. In general, the inhabitants of the area was recommended to avoid large assembly, do not stop near abandoned or dangerous buildings due to the fall of boulders and not to drive close to the cliffs if not strictly necessary.
Firefighters and rescue teams are also being organized: on Sunday 2 February in Santorini they have been set up in high places compared to the sea level of the Structures to welcome the displaced people In case of evacuation, while a dog unit has been specialized in the extraction of people from the rubble on the island. To facilitate those who prefer to leave the islands, the Greek airline Aegean has increased return flights to Santorini.
Attention: It is good to clarify one thing. These are activities preventive And at the moment nobody can know when there is another earthquake and what its magnitude will be.
The alert also in Türkiye
THE’alert has also been issued in different areas of the Türkiyeboth in its European side and on the western coast that overlooks the Aegean Sea. The Turkish Civil Protection ApaD has in fact issued an alert for 3 different provinces of the country, including the area of Smyrinethe second most populous in the country. According to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, too Istanbul It must be ready for a possible worsening of seismic activity in the Aegean Sea.