
Influenza stagionale australiana

Is the Australian flu more dangerous than other seasonal flus? The risks of brain symptoms

In recent days, a 76-year-old patient was registered at the Policlinico S. Martino in Genoa not only respiratory but also neurological symptoms because he was infected by A/H3N2 variant of the seasonal flu, commonly called “Australian” and which will be predominant this year. The symptoms affecting the central nervous system, in any case, they seem to be infrequent in the ...

Patente IT-Wallet

IT-Wallet expands to 250,000 people, but is it unsafe or will it be used to spy on us? Let’s debunk the hoaxes

Starting today Wednesday November 6, 2024 the project IT-Walletwhich started on 23 October with the possibility for the first 50,000 Italian citizens to import their driving license and health card into the digital wallet of the IO app, extends the service to 250,000 Italian citizens. As the reach of IT-Wallet grows (on December 30th it will be extended to another ...

maltempo italia

Last days of anticyclone in Italy, rain in the South and “anticyclonic bad weather” in the North: what’s happening

Bad weather on the major islands And mists in the Po Valleywith a drop in temperatures expected for the weekend between 9 and 10 November: according to forecasts, theanticylon which has been dominating Italy and central Europe for several days, bringing with it clear days and temperatures well above the average for the period (even above 20 °C in Northern ...

somma dei primi n numeri naturali

What is Gauss’s formula and how it allows you to quickly calculate long sums

Gauss’ formula allows us to add the primes n natural numbers with a very simple calculation, that is, the half-product between n And n+1. This means that a “heavy” sum such as that of the first 100 natural numbers may be, which from a computational (and time) point of view could seem particularly burdensome given that it requires the sum ...

10 libri di fantascienza che hanno anticipato il futuro

10 science fiction books that anticipated the future: from Orwell to Asimov

THE science fiction books they have always exercised a powerful fascination on technology enthusiasts and the general public. Not only do they offer engaging stories, but they often predict aspects of the future that actually become part of our reality. From Orwell to Gibson And Asimovsome authors intuited technological, social and scientific developments long before they did they accomplished. Here ...

diga romana spagna

How the Roman dam that saved a village from flooding in Spain is made and how it works

A video is currently making the rounds showing an ancient Roman dam from the 1st century AD protecting the village of Valencia from the tragic flood that devastated Valencia. Almonacid de la Cuba in the province of Aragon in Spain, not far from the city of Zaragoza. Here the bad weather produced by the arrival of a DANA (i.e. a ...


Why the Peanut squirrel has become the symbol of the Republicans in the 2024 US elections

Credit: Mark Longo (Peanut The Squirrel) and Gage Skidmore (Donald Trump) Last November 1st a squirrel named Peanut and a raccoon named Fred were seized and euthanized by the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), following anonymous complaints claiming that the two animals – belonging to Mark Longowhich made Peanut a “social media star” with an Instagram profile of ...

Pipistrelli dormono a testa in giù

Why do bats sleep upside down? They are safe and spend less energy

Sleeping is a pleasure, but, in a certain sense, it is also a duty for all living beings they need sleep to rest the brain, reorganize memories and process experiences. And to do this we need a safe and quiet place. While most mammals prefer a den and a comfortable horizontal surface, bats sleep vertically and even upside downraising the ...

hacker smart home

How to protect your home automation from hackers: 5 practical tips

The home automationthat is, those that have all those technologies aimed at interconnecting home appliances to automate a whole series of operations. There home automation It undoubtedly represents a rather simple way of making your home comfortable thanks to the so-called IoT (Internet of Things or Internet of Things), or that set of technologies that allow the Internet to be ...