Floris’ metamorphosis: a “dimartì” no more investigations, only chatter
A talk confined between the four walls of a study, without several exits and travels around Italy. “Dimartedì” made its evolution thus. Not an immediate metamorphosis, but a slow path with the new line headed over the long term, so much so that the variations imperceptible during the work.
Everything changes, however, if you make a large leap back. In that case, Giovanni Floris’s talk seems to be a distant relative of what was aired before the explosion of the pandemic, a true demarcation line for many programs.
But if the audience and the applause (as always excessive) have redone head by a suspension imposed by anti-condemnation rules and directives, it was the structure of a transmission that embraced the project of the closed doors to change, as it is now selfless to throw out an eye out there.
The ladder is rigid and always the same. Floris’s strength is in fact in rituals that are re -proposed to infinity. The covers of Luca and Paolo, the face to face and, above all, the more voices debates that welcome practically the same faces. For the rest, also goodbye to the most banal of the connections with the outside, to the advantage of a sort of ‘quarantine’, this time desired.
Focus on guests and chatter, rather than the exclusive
The principle of “Dimartedì” is simple: to focus more on guests and ” will be chatted rather than on the shipments up and down for the boot in search of news to be analyzed. After all, for those there are already the newspapers and the web, with contributions taken from the social networks that can safely recover and judge in an armchair.
“Dimartedì” no longer has “exclusive” and does not chase them. In this, it is enormously distinguished from “Piazzapulita” – where Corrado Formigli on the contrary causes a possible return to the role of correspondent – but also from the rest of the productions I do not aspect La7.
The ‘titles’ are if anything given by the quarrels and clashes that are strategically built. Let me be clear, no scene planted at the table, but the constant practice of petrol put as close to fire in the hope that sooner or later the fire comes to life. And so, here are the factions: pro-Israelis against pro-Palestinians, pro-putinians called to duel with the pro-Ukrains, without forgetting the left against the right, with the inevitable appearance of some nostalgic that just can’t make it to define themselves as “anti -fascist”.
“Dimartedì” is therefore a recurring landing for Michele Santoro, Alessandro Di Battista, Francesco Storace, Italo Bocchino, Carlo Calenda, Elsa Fornero, Elisabetta Piccotti, Carlo Rossella, Pierluigi Bersani, Massimo Giannini, just to name a few. A bit like in Beautiful, where everything remains limited to the Forrester family without ever worrying about what happens elsewhere.
The listenings are there, but the country is missing
A practice that so far gives listening and makes the Floris program the most seen early evening political talk. Merit of a recognition that the Roman journalist has been able to mature in over twenty -two years of stable programming on Tuesday, if we also consider the era of “Ballarò”. However, the regret remains for a transmission that refuses to measure the real temperature of the country.