Hitting Meloni save Santanché: the own goal of the red togas
“If we were in a normal country, everyone would have already resigned.” This is the thought that is certainly passing through the head of the average leftist, eager to see once again a center -right government at the hands of the judiciary fall. But, precisely because we are not a normal country because of a strongly politicized judiciary, nobody will resign. Indeed, the warranty notice to Giorgia Meloni, to the ministers planted and Nordio and to the Mantuan Undersecretary, will have the only effect that of allowing the Santanchè to remain in place.
By now, the protagonists change, but the script always remains the same: as soon as any government puts less to the reform of justice, the warranty notices flock. It is a classic started in 1994 with Berlusconi, continued with Prodi when Mastella was Guardasigilli and then with Renzi and, finally, with Meloni.
Meloni investigated with his ministers: the accusations, what he risks and who decides now
“But wasn’t the post-missin Italian right-worse for Italians worse than Italy of values?”. It is the rhetorical question that a good part of the Italian left continues to do. Well yes, the right was justice in 1992, when the undersigned was just ten years old and when it was not yet known that the PCI would be the only party that, coincidentally, would not have been touched by the Clean Mani investigation. And, therefore, the Italian right must be guaranteed or justice? Neither one nor the other. The Italian right or is legalitarian or is not right.
The Italian right or is legalitarian or is not right
A political deployment that is not on the side of the police and law forces prefers anarchy and, therefore, chaos. Those who want a country at the mercy of illegal occupations and illegal immigrants (no, not irregular because they have a passport that has expired but just illegal immigrants because they entered Sfrordo) is leftist.
That, then, it is certainly important, indeed it is also essential to pursue the crimes of the so -called “white collars”, but how many processes against them lead to convictions? Few, very few. Merit of the skill of their scrambled lawyers? Probable, but not only. There are definitely too many politicians who ended up in the media chopper only to increase the fame of the togas that investigated them like the prosecutors of clean hands or Woodcocks.
More security and less red togas
Just think not only of Silvio Berlusconi or Matteo Salvini but also to Maurizio Lupi, Maria Elena Boschi, Matteo Renzi, Federica Guidi and many others. And these are only the well -known characters. And what about the many innocent people who are forced to spend time and money for many years just to see their innocence recognized?
There are too many cases similar to Beniamino Zuncheddu, the Sardinian shepherd who made himself 33 years in prison for a totally unfounded murder charge. That’s why the trust of Italians in the magistrates collapsed at 33% and, today more than ever, common sense requires to be without self and without but on the side of meloni and the government that have the only fault of having acted based on the reason state. In short, Italy needs more security and less red togas.