The WC walls They are certainly not the most hygienic environment that we can imagine. After all, it is the place where we carry out ourselves every day physiological functions they Biological waste which we produce contain bacteria, viruses, mushrooms and protozoa.
If we observed the surfaces of the toilet under a microscope, in fact, we would see a great deal of bacteria e microorganisms which, since they can be pathogens, they must be removed.
In this article, let’s see how i Gel diskettes to be applied to the WC wall, to guarantee a effective cleaning.
Microorganisms in the toilet: because it is important to remove them at best
First of all, it is essential to understand what our toilet we have to defend. The answer is simple: as we said, numerous are deposited on its surfaces microorganisms coming from organic waste of our body, like urine and feces, which naturally contain bacteria, viruses, mushrooms and protozoa.

When these microorganisms accumulate, they can adhere to the walls of the toilet and, in some cases, disperse in the form of tiny droplets Whenever we pull the breakthrough. Furthermore, some of these bacteria may be pathogenic, that is, they would be able to cause diseases.
It is therefore clear that these microorganisms must be removed. In addition to daily cleaning And at the periodic disinfectiona valid ally are the Products containing surfactantslike i disks to be applied on the walls of the toilet.
The role of the surfactants contained in the disks for the walls of the toilet
THE Gel diskettes To be applied on the walls of the toilet are well known: each drain release a dose of product. What makes them particularly effective is the presence of surfactantswhich thanks to their particular molecular structure, manage to damage or capture bacteria.
In fact, every surfactant is composed of a hydrophilic headwhich binds to water, and one hydrophobic tailwhich rejects the water and binds to fats.
When the surfactants dissolve in the water, they organize themselves spontaneously in Michelle: these are spherical structures, like cages, that they trap the microorganisms or damage their external membrane, contributing to theirs removal.
How do the disks on the entire surface of the toilet? The Marangoni effect
Now, there is a question that can come spontaneously from a practical point of view: if the gel disk is applied only on a part of the cup of the toilet, as the product does distribute uniformly?
The explanation lies in a chemical-physical phenomenon called Marangoni effectwhich allows surfactants to spread throughout the surface. To prove it, we conducted an experiment using gel discs of Duck Fressh Discs.
In practice, what happens is that when the spot releases the surfactantsone creates one difference concentration Among the richest areas of detergent (near the disk) and the less treated ones. This variation causes a liquid movement: the detergent moves from the area with voltage lower surface (where there is more product) towards the one with higher voltage (where there is less). The same principle is observed in “Archetti di Vino”: When the liquid goes up along the walls of the glass before falling down.

Thanks to this mechanism, the gel is distributed uniformly, ensuring effective cleaning of the entire surface of the toilet.