If you are unable to watch some TV channels using digital terrestrial and are wondering why, the answer may be due to the switch to the new digital terrestrial, which began on 28 August 2024 with some Rai channels (specifically Rai Storia, Rai Scuola and Rai Radio 2 Visual). To resolve any reception problems due to the switch-off to the new digital terrestrialwhoever owns a TV or decoder compatible with the new DVB-T2 standard with HEVC coding system can easily solve the thing retuning TV channelsThe procedure to do this is very simple and can be done manually or automatically by acting on the TV or decoder settings.
Why retune TV channels after switching to the new digital DVB-T2
The switch to the new digital terrestrial requires retuning the TV channels. Why? To use the explanation that Rai provided on its official website, «retuning is necessary to see all the programs in the new Mux A and Mux B configuration». For the record, Mux A And Mux B there are two multiplex or digital television signal transmission techniques belonging, in this specific case, to Rai.
How to retune your TV after switch off of digital terrestrial
Before seeing How to retune your TV or decoderwe just want to give a brief overview of what the digital terrestrial switch off is that we hear so much about these days. To put it simply, it is the term used to indicate the process of transition from an analogue to a digital television signal. During this delicate phase, television broadcasters interrupt the transmission of analogue frequencies to switch to DVB-T2 digital technology (Second Generation Digital Video Broadcasting), which aims to allow viewers to enjoy a higher quality signal and, therefore, viewing of content.
Below we explain the general procedures to perform on your devices. For obvious reasons we cannot go into too much detail, as the menu items of the various decoders and televisions may differ based on the brand and model.
Automatic procedure
The simplest way to proceed is to perform the automatic tuning of the channels, which can be done in the following way:
- Turn on the TV and/or decoder and press the button Menu or Settings on the remote control.
- Using the directional arrowsnavigate through the menu until you find the option Channels, TV settings or similar.
- Select the option of Automatic retuning or Channel Search.
- Start the scanning process by pressing on OK, Start or similar and wait for the TV to find and update the list of available channels.
- If requested, Saved the changes once the scan is complete.

Manual procedure
If you wish to proceed manuallymaybe because for some reason your decoder or your TV is unable to complete automatic tuning, here are the steps to follow:
- After turning on the television and/or decoder, press the button Menu or Settings on the remote control.
- Access the option Antenna or Manual tuning in the settings menu.
- Select Channel Search and choose the option Manual.
- Identify the frequency correct for your geographical area (you can search for it on Google or on specific sites, such as Dtti) and then enter it in the text field visible on the TV screen using the keyboard that can be used via the directional or numeric keys.
- Start search for channels and wait for the process to complete.
- If necessary, confirm and Saved the channels found to update the list.