I’ll explain 2 errors and 3 reasons by Giorgia Meloni in Chiara Ferragni style
In the chaos of these hours on the relations between Italy and Libya and on the non -arrest of the Libyan general Osama Elmasry Njeem Habish (photo below), who calls himself Almasri, that is, the Egyptian, is worth setting some points. Just not to let yourself be indoctrinate by the so -called judges party. But not even from that of the Melonians. If you have the patience to read me all the way, I hope to make some contributions to understand.
5 – Libya: Giorgia Meloni’s reasons
The first word to consider is: Libya. The North African state overlooks the Mediterranean sea: on the map it appears under Calabria and Sicily. It is the starting point of 105 thousand irregular migrants in 2022, 157 thousand in 2023 and 66 thousand in 2024. But above all Libya, through the activity of our ENI energy company, has returned to being the first oil supplier of Italy , covering 22.3 percent of our national needs in the first seven months of 2024 (Source UNEM). Libya also provided us with 2.5 billion cubic meters of gas (the first supplier is Algeria, with 25.5 billion – Source Arera).
4 – Diplomacy: Giorgia Meloni’s reasons
The second word is: diplomacy. Relations between Italy and Libya are very delicate. The country is in fact divided into two. On the one hand Tripoli, the historic capital, with the North West and Zwara, the city of the departures of the boats towards Lampedusa. On the other Benghazi, the east on the border with Egypt, and most of the central and southern regions. On January 16, 2025, the resignation of the director of the Libyan National Oil Corporation, Farhat Bengdara, added new tensions on the distribution of the oil proceeds between Tripoli and Benghazi, in an atmosphere of civil war ready to resur.
So in 2024 Italy obtained two positive results, thanks to the good reports on the Meloni-Sen-Tripoli-Bengase government axis: the landings from Libya collapse by 58 percent, the oil supplies from Libya rise to 22.3 percent . This is the stake: make a word, a protocol can be fatal. Let alone imprison on our territory one of the highest officials of Tripoli, although sought by the International Criminal Court, for torture and sexual violence on adult and children migrants, as head of the Mitiga prison at the gates of Tripoli.
3 – Crimes: Giorgia Meloni’s reasons
The third word is: crimes. Arresting Almasri should be a source of pride for a government that has founded his search for votes on the fight against irregular immigration and human traffickers. Because, in his field according to the accusations of the International Criminal Court and the testimonies of many survivors, it was like taking Totò Riina for mafia, or capturing Osama Bin Laden for terrorism. And this would have been the natural reasoning in the middle world between the cold war of the past and the hot war on Russia, that is, the historical period from 1990 to 2022. But in today’s brutal world the government had to decide between 1) judicial success (with the confirmation of Almasri’s arrest) or 2) the energy-diplomatic success (with its release). Giorgia Meloni, with the ministers of justice, Carlo Nordio and Foreign Affairs, Antonio Tajani, chose the number 2 solution.
2 – Prosecutor: Giorgia Meloni’s mistakes
The fourth word is: prosecutor. Francesco Lo Voi, prosecutor of the Republic in Rome (photo below), was verbally attacked by Prime Minister Meloni, by Minister Tajani, even by the group leader of Forza Italia to the Senate, Maurizio Gasparri. Who is right? You received a detailed complaint against the Prime Minister, of two ministers and a Undersecretary for aiding and abetting (failure to arrest Almasri) and embezzlement (use of the State Airotaxi to bring it back to Tripoli). The complaint signed by the lawyer Luigi Li Gotti, a former exponent in Calabria of the MSI and an as Giorgia Meloni, then moved to the center -left parties, who said he felt around the government.
In this case, in the face of the detailed complaint of the lawyer who refers to publicly known facts, you had to proceed according to the constitutional law number 1 of January 16, 1989, which regulates the investigations against the representatives of the government. Article 6, in paragraph 2, establishes that “the Prosecutor of the Republic, omitted each investigation, within the deadline of fifteen days, transmits with his requests the documents relating to the college … giving immediate communication to the interested parties, why These can present memories to the college or ask to be listened to ”. The college of magistrates is what is vulgarly called the Court of Ministers.
Who is Luigi Li Gotti, the lawyer who denounced Giorgia Meloni
“I omit all investigation”, it means that the prosecutor cannot investigate. “Within fifteen days” and “immediate communication”, it means that the file cannot be kept waiting for the controversies to settle. Thursday 30 January the group leader in the Senate, Maurizio Gasparri, said in the classroom that the prosecutor would have had to convene a press conference to present the details of this complaint. I find paradoxical that such a proposal comes from an important exponent of the center -right: in that case yes, Francesco Lo Voi would have met right criticisms for protagonism, political exploitation, institutional rude. The prosecutor of Rome instead acted in institutional respect and in the utmost confidentiality. In fact, the news of the complaint revealed Giorgia Meloni, not the prosecutor. You performed a due act (the law imposed it on it). Meloni a desired act: the video-solfie was his initiative. And here we come to the most serious error.
1 – Style -Ferragni: Giorgia Meloni’s mistakes
The fifth word is in fact: style-ferragni. It is fashionable among the VIPs, when they feel persecuted by any adversity, contact the Social Square directly with a video-warfare. As Chiara Ferragni did, after being pinched in the story of the Pandori in charity. And as Giorgia Meloni repeated (in the photo below, with the general of Benghazi, Khalifa Haftar), to denounce the alleged attack of the judiciary to the government. Pastel colors both for Chiara and for Giorgia. Language and looks from victims (pictured near the title). Now that this stumbled upon an influencer, is a problem. But if it happens to the premier, it means that neither her nor her expensive communication staff have still reached the adequate posture that suits a head of government.
The damage to the country did not do the prosecutor, but the leap the decision to spread an extraordinary speech in front of the nation to declare itself the victim of a judicial plot. This is what transformed the marginal initiative of a lawyer in a case of state. And what did foreign newspapers have to do: ignore the news to do a favor to Senator Gasparri? Giorgia Meloni had three alternatives available.
The first: to give the news of the complaint with a brief press release, specifying that “the Presidency of the Council is available to the judiciary to demonstrate that it was a political choice in favor of Italy and not a crime”. Point. The second: oppose the state secret. The third: use the secret services, the guilty absentees of this damage to Italy, then repatriate Almasri with a private plane without flags and reduce the exposure of the government to a minimum profile. Unless the purpose is the clash with the judiciary, at this point, in full style Donald Trump. But who criticizes Meloni to be asked, however, what would have done in his place: losing the supplies of Libyan gas and oil and sinking the economy or freeing the alleged criminal? The choice can only be among the costs and benefits for the country. Even if the next time the government will talk about fighting human traffickers, we will certainly be to smile.
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