Morawiecki inherits the leadership of the European conservatives from Meloni: he will work to unite the right

Morawiecki inherits the leadership of the European conservatives from Meloni: he will work to unite the right

Former Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki was elected president of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) party, taking the place vacated by Giorgia Meloni. Carlo Fidanza of Fratelli d’Italia, the French MEP Marion Marechal and the leader of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians, George Simion, were elected vice-presidents.

Procaccini was also elected president of the New Direction foundation, which deals with cultural initiatives. “We will work to give continuity to the successes achieved in the last four years under Meloni’s leadership”, said the FdI representative on the sidelines of the party assembly, after the decision which had been widely expected.

Join the right

Morawiecki, a member of the Law and Justice party, intends to work so that the right of the European Parliament, from the moderate of the People’s Party to the more radical of the Patriots of Viktor Orbán, Marine Le Pen and Matteo Salvini, come together to dictate the new European agenda. In his first speech as new leader he said he was ready to “form alliances” with the EPP and Patriots on “some relevant issues” for Europe and for individual states.

”We are very pragmatic and aware of the different forces present in the European Parliament,” he said, maintaining that the ECR finds itself “in a privileged position: we are at the center of this possible coalition, with the EPP to our left and with the Patriots to our right.”

The group, explained Morawiecki, intends to cooperate with other “conservative and common sense” forces. We will work with anyone who works to bring power back to the side of the nations” by acting “against the tendency towards centralization of power by the European Commission”, which according to the former Polish prime minister is on the “wrong track”.

However, members of the far-right German party AfD “are not friends or partners” of the ECR, Morawiecki specified, despite the ECR having formed a coalition with them in the past on some measures.

The von der Leyen majority is already split: the People’s Party allies themselves with the far right

The League rejoices

And it was above all the League that rejoiced for this election and these words. For the head of the Northern League delegation to the EU Parliament, Paolo Borchia, Morawiecki’s words “are an important signal, another step in the right direction”.

“The League has been working for years to build a strong centre-right alternative to the majority that has been badly governing in the buildings of Brussels for years”, added the Northern League member, maintaining that “the message sent by the voters at the polls is clear, the EPP must take note of the reality and what Europeans expect.” “Finally, another Europe is possible: we are ready”, concluded Borchia.