The new French crime film “Nice Girls” is coming to Netflix, set in the city of Nice and starring a predominantly female cast. The action comedy is directed by Noemie Saglio, known for directing some episodes of the TV series “Stranger Things”, while the screenplay was written by the director herself together with Antoine Dallancour and Philippe Planells. Produced by Les Films du Kiosk, in co-production with Boogie Movie and Petite Panthère Productions, the film is about to enter homes around the world: let’s discover the plot, the cast and when “Nice Girls” is coming out on Netflix.
Nice Girls: the plot
The plot of “Nice Girls” revolves around Léo (Alice Taglioni), a fearless policewoman who thinks she is the best on the French Riviera at her job. When she discovers that her colleague Ludo, who is almost like a brother to her, was killed in Hamburg, she wants to find out the truth at all costs, but her boss (Noémie Lvovsky) prefers to assign the case to a highly trained German policewoman who Léo, on the other hand, considers a “loser in uniform”. When the protagonist discovers that the person chosen to follow the investigation – Mélanie (Stéfi Celma) – is not only attractive but also highly qualified, Léo decides not to give in to her. So the two women, both characterized by a strong personality, are forced to collaborate, and while their relationship, initially conflictual, changes over time, the city of Nice is in great danger…
Nice Girls: the cast
The main cast of Netflix’s action comedy “Nice Girls” includes Alice Taglioni (the protagonist Léo), Stefi Celma (Mélanie), Baptiste Lecaplain (Bat) and Noémie Lvovsksy (Hernandez, the head of the department). They are joined by Antoine Dulery (Mamich), Lucien Jean-Baptiste (Cassati), Timothee Vaganay and Katrina Durden, who play supporting roles.
Nice Girls: when is it released?
When is “Nice Girl” coming out on Netflix? The French film will be available on the streaming service starting August 21, 2024.