The “great challenge” for ecologists “is to begin to make people understand how much need there is for a democratic, united Europe, for peace and for people”. This is the message that Benedetta Scuderi launched while speaking at Ri-Generazione Ecologista, the second congress of the Young Green Europeanists (Gev), which took place in Teramo and was attended by around 100 youth delegates from Green Europe from all over the country.
For the MEP elected from the ranks of Avs it is necessary to build “an EU that not only looks at the market, but at fundamental elements of our society such as rights, gender equality, inclusiveness, social justice”. The event saw various moments of debate which focused on key issues for the organization such as obviously ecologism, but also the right to education, the right to live and the future of climate movements.
“The objective we set ourselves right from the start, in founding this youth organisation, was to bring a generation that was moving away from it closer to politics, also with a view to a change within the institutions”, stated the MEP of Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra who was co-founder of the Young Europeanist Greens and, subsequently, international officer.
“At the same time we have given a boost to the green movement, with new people driven by collective and not individual interest. Today this organization is solid, strong and moves forward together with more and more people. In just five years we have made proposals, organized congresses, promoted many political initiatives and we have our representatives at all institutional levels”, claimed Scuderi.