A new Italian adventure series arrives on December 6th on Disney+. It is called “Uonderbois” and, against the backdrop of a Naples as fascinating as ever, between legends, concreteness and magic, it tells a story of friendship, family, mysteries and personal growth. The protagonists of this series of six episodes, created by Barbara Petronio and directed by Andrea De Sica and Giorgio Romano, they are Serena Rossi and Massimiliano Caiazzo in two very different roles from those in which we are used to seeing them. She is the “villain” of the story and he is the hero.
The soundtrack of the series is by Geolier. And guest star of the cast is Nino D’Angelo.
Uonderbois’s review
Serena Rossi and the physical transformation to play “La Vecchia”
“I wasn’t afraid of making myself old and ugly, on the contrary, I desperately needed it. Without that special make-up, those hours of work, those golden hands that made me ugly, aged and transformed I would never have been able to play this character A character is made up of heart, soul, head, body and all this part. I couldn’t have handled it alone and I was very happy to have put myself out there with something very far from me. Finally a slightly uncomfortable role.” .
Massimiliano Caiazzo on the responsibility of being an idol for kids
“Being an idol of kids scares me because it’s a responsibility that I don’t put on myself. It’s put on me by others. I accept it as I try to accept everything but then afterwards I try to do my job by playing with the most honest approach possible , having fun and surrounding myself with people who help me to be clear-headed when perhaps clear-headedness may be lacking.”