Smartphone sporchi water

Smartphones are among the dirtiest objects we use: the most bacteria present

According to various research, the object that we practically always have with us and that we carry near our mouths and ears is among the dirtiest that we use every day! It even seems to be dirtier than the toilet seat, but to date there are no direct comparative studies in the literature. Nonetheless, the screen of the smartphones And vehicle of bacteriasuch as for example Staphylococcus and Escherichia colibut also of molds and fungi, which may be harmless, but which in certain conditions could also make us ill. It can also be dangerous in hospitals it is also a vehicle of bacteria drug-resistantwhich can attack hospitalized and already fragile patients. Many of the microorganisms found on our mobile phone screen are present because we carry this item just everywherealso in bathroom and then to the table. It is good practice to carry out one periodic disinfection of your smartphone to avoid these microorganisms.

How dirty smartphones are

It has been seen in several studies that i mobile phones they are among the dirtiest objects we use daily: they are in fact a large deposit of bacteria, viruses and even fungithe. The average rate of contaminationwith an estimated global average, is well 68%investigating only the bacteria.

Cell phones are, for this reason, considered somewhat of “Trojan horses”, since they carry microorganisms from hands to ears and face, increasing the possibility of getting sick and being infected. Furthermore, there are no disinfection guidelines of these devices, not even in the hospitals where perhaps fragile patients are hospitalized, except for the fact that recently some smartphones they published tips for keeping your appliance clean.

It must be said, in fact, that cell phones used, for example, by healthcare professionals in hospitalthey can act as vectors for the transmission of microorganisms above all drug-resistantwhich could infect i patients or their family members, and these, in turn, could bring viruses and bacteria to the hospitalized relative they visit. Obviously, the restriction or ban on carrying such devices may prove impractical, strategies are needed to prevent nosocomial transmission, for example habitual disinfection of the devices.

Disinfect smartphone

In any case, both in the hospital setting and in everyday life, the recommendations are to always wash your hands well, frequently disinfect your smartphone and above all avoid taking it with you to the bathroom.

What are the bacteria found on smartphones

I am so many the species bacteria identified or isolated from smartphones, both in studies in hospital settings and in the community of citizens; However, when compared with bacterial, virus and fungal species in general, those reported in the various studies are not very many. This shortcoming is due to the fact that many organisms could conceivably exist on phone devices, but are not tested and researched by experts.

The two most frequently encountered bacteria were found to be coagulase negative staphylococci (CoNS) and Staphylococcus aureus. They are also present Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae e Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Escherichia coli it is normally present in ours intestineand can cause gastroenteritis and urinary infections. These contaminations are probably due to the fact that we have the bad habit of often carrying the phone inside bath And subsequently to use it also at the table. The Staphylococci, instead, they are harmless in most cases, but in suitable conditions they become gods very aggressive pathogens which can end up causing cause diseases, such as bad ones pneumonia.

Klebsiella pneumoniae smartphone

There Klebisella it is ubiquitous, and is also found in the human intestinal flora. In certain conditions, however, especially for example in debilitated patients in hospital, it causes urinary tract infectionspneumonia, meningitis and sepsis. It too Pseudomonas is often associated with hospital infections and is capable of causing, among other things, pneumonia, endocarditis and gastrointestinal problems. Further bacteria were then found mold and fungi – even even there Candida-, which can cause skin problems and to the urinary tract e respiratory.

What’s dirtier than a smartphone?

Almost equal to our smartphones we have a collection of household objects that are really very dirty, come on cutting boardsgarlic light switchesi carpetsand above all the sponge for washing dishesbut above all the banknotes!

In fact, a study has researched and highlighted the dirt on moneymaking banknotes rise to the top positions among the generally dirtiest objects, almost on a par with smartphones. The money in fact, they carry numerous bacteria between people, since they are exchanged regularly, which is why during the Covid-19 pandemic it was recommended to favor payments with POS. But not only that, drugs and animal hair were also found.