So much nonsense in the left’s anti-American litany
After Alessia Piperno, Patrick Zaki and Chico Forti, Cecilia Sala has also returned home. A great result for the Italian government which, for once, received compliments not only from Giuseppe Conte, but even from the secretary of the Democratic Party, Elly Schlein.
A result that bears the signature of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. Accused prematurely and (now we can say it) also unfairly of having left more to do business with Elon Musk rather than deal with Sala, Meloni has silenced with facts all the “souls” of a certain radical-chic left who criticized her for his trip to the United States.
“Was it a useful evening? I don’t know. I don’t think so because if it had been really useful we would know” Corrado Augias declared in an interview with Giovanni Floris. “With the right alarm we could have let Cecilia back a moment earlier. We’re not letting her back. This is a serious fault on the part of the government”, thundered Michele Santoro again from the living room of ‘Di Tuesday’. And he added: “Now there is press blackout, so we can’t even talk about the atrocities they commit.”
The left’s anti-American litany
A press silence that the family had rightly imposed so as not to compromise the work of diplomacy and intelligence. And what about Rosy Bindi? The former PD parliamentarian, speaking again on La7 in the program In Onda, had criticized the government’s actions and Meloni’s initiative, predicting: “This story cannot be resolved with a magic wand and a meeting with a president who does not is still in office, while we await the visit of the president who is still in office.” And Rula Jebreal had not hesitated to echo her: “I think it will be very difficult for Meloni to be able to convince Donald Trump. Rosy Bindi is right. She could have talked with Biden and, perhaps, led to a possible prisoner exchange negotiation.”
Those who have argued that Trump’s power is still limited evidently ignore that in the USA there is a transition phase during which the outgoing president (in this case Biden) and the elected one collaborated with each other. It is right, therefore, that certain statements remain on record because, after days and days of background on the reasons for Elisabetta Belloni’s resignation from DIS, it is best not to forget who, deep down, tried to exploit the situation in the media.
“The government doesn’t have a strategy to free Cecilia Sala. Tajani ousted. Where is Meloni?”, asked Matteo Renzi, speaking to Il Foglio, the newspaper with which Sala collaborates. Meloni was right where he was supposed to be. At Palazzo Chigi to speak with the mother of the journalist detained in Iran and then in the United States to speak with Trump, the president-elect whose victory was certified a few days ago by his challenger Kamala Harris.
And now, after the release from prison of the Iranian engineer Abedini, which there is nothing to be surprised about given that it was decided at Mar-a-lago, we also have to put up with Ilaria Salis’s anti-American litany which defines Italy as subservient of the United States.
It is the strange nature of the opposition which one day criticizes Meloni because it believes that Italy is isolated in the international context and another day criticizes it because it finds a solution with the president of the United States for the release of an Italian journalist who the left he called out loudly.