Directly from Mexico comes the new Netflix TV series entitled “Sisters Guerra” (Las Hermans Guerra). Created by José Ignacio Valenzuela, the series tells the dramatic and violent life of two sisters, whose relationship is marked by a deep rivalry which, over the years, leads to disastrous consequences, as well as revenge organized down to the smallest detail. The series is directed by Carlos Villegas and Iker Dupeyron, and produced by Mar Abierto. Let’s discover together the plot, the cast and when “Sorelle Guerra” comes out on Netflix.
Sorelle Guerra: the plot
The plot of “Sorelle Guerra” focuses on the events of Perla and Antonia, two sisters whose relationships are not good at all. Indeed, there is a deep rivalry between them, also due to a difficult family situation which has favored the emergence of unpleasant situations such as manipulations and betrayals which have irremediably undermined the relationship between the two. However, everything collapses with the betrayal of the husband of one of the two women with her sister who, to take revenge, kidnaps her daughter and then abandons her in an orphanage. The woman initially believes she is dead, but when she finds her in prison a few years later, she decides to get arrested to meet her and, with her, organize an unprecedented revenge.
Sorelle Guerra: the cast
The main cast of “War Sisters” includes:
- Ana Serradilla is one of two sisters, Perla Guerra
- Claudia Álvarez is the other sister, Antonia Guerra
- Ana Valeria Becerril plays Perla’s daughter
- Christian Tappan is the husband
- Cinthya Hernández plays Dolores
Sorelle Guerra: when it comes out on Netflix
The Mexican drama TV series “War Sisters” arrives on the streaming platform on November 13th.
The Italian trailer