cosa vedere a ercolano visita sito archeologico

The 4 things to absolutely see at the Herculaneum excavations if we visit the archaeological site

The site of Herculaneumtogether with that of Pompeiiis one of the most famous in all of Italy. The two cities came buried during theeruption of Vesuvius in 79 ADand because of their exceptional ways of conservation (the blanket of ash volcanic e pumices it allowed us not only to conserve the elevations of the buildings, but also many organic substanceswhich otherwise would have decomposed, such as wood, fibres, etc.) are able to give us a vivid glimpse of the life in a Roman city of the 1st century AD Herculaneum was more small of Pompeii. Despite its smaller size, due to the beauty of its landscape, it was chosen as holiday destination for the Roman nobilitywho had some of the buildings built here villas most sumptuous in southern Italy (like the famous Villa of the Papyricurrently not open to visitors). Rediscovered from 1709excavations in Herculaneum began Before compared to those of Pompeii.

Information for visiting the Archaeological Park of Herculaneum

The excavations of Herculaneum, together with the network of sites of the “Great Pompeii“, are one of the places of greatest tourist attraction in Campania. The park is open every day, except January 1st and December 25th. During the winter, from 10/15 to 03/15, the opening hours are 8.30am – 5.00pm. The summer opening hours, in force from 16/03 to 14/10, are 8.30am – 7.30pm. The cost of the full ticket is 16 eurosbut reduced tickets are also available with a cost of 2 euros and a series of free. But how long does it take to visit the entire archaeological site? Answering is really complex: the most passionate people may want to come back again and again to be able to appreciate every nook and cranny of the site. On average, however, we can talk about a few hours (about half a day) to complete a fairly complete journey.

What to visit in Herculaneum

The list of the most beautiful things to see and visit in Herculaneum is long. Here are some suggestions:

The Hotel House

Among all the houses explored by archaeologists in Herculaneum, the so-called “Hotel House” is the largest, located in a panoramic position with respect to the sea. Datable between the end of the 1st century BC and the beginning of the 1st century ADunfortunately it is also one of the buildings most compromises from the 18th century excavations carried out without scientific criteria. In addition to owning a spa facilitythe house was decorated by frescoes from the Augustan age and floors opus sectilemade by cutting stones inlay.

Hotel House
The colonnaded courtyard of the Casa dell’Albergo. Credit :Mentnafunangann

The Forum Baths

The Forum Baths they were the main thermal plant of ancient Herculaneum. Dated tobeginning of the 1st century ADwere divided into one men’s and women’s sectionswith special accesses, and were equipped with a gym. The floors of the complex were decorated by both mosaics both from works in opus sectilethe walls were stuccoed and frescoed according to the taste of the mid-1st century. AD When the eruption occurred in 79 AD, the complex had just been renovated following damage to the earthquake of 62 AD

Changing room of the women’s section of the spa. Credit: Mentnafunangann

The College of Augustals

Between the buildings religious of Herculaneum there is the detail College of Augustals. The Augustals were one brotherhood of priests dedicated to worship beforeemperor Augustusafter his deification, then to that of various members of the imperial family and gods subsequent emperors. The college, where even some have been preserved wooden ceiling beams charred, is decorated by floors opus sectile and representative frescoes mythological scenes.

College of Augustals
View of the College of the Augustals. Credit: Mentnafunangann

The Fornici del Porto

THE Fornici del Porto they are one of the places where you can best imagine the tragedy of the eruption experienced by the inhabitants of Herculaneum. In the area that in the 1st century constituted the city ​​beach twelve were present fornicithat is to say arches for the storage of boats. Over here three hundred people they searched refuge from the rain of ash and pumice, waiting for a rescue by sea that never arrived. The unfortunates were overwhelmed and killed by the pyroclastic cloudand their skeletons are still visible in the position in which death overtook them. Some of them they had brought with them money, jewels And toolshoping to save their belongings.

Herculaneum skeletons
The skeletons of the victims of the pyroclastic cloud. Credit: BobFog