“The Cage” arrives on Netflix, the French TV series created by Franck Gastambide and
Sylvain Caron and composed of 5 episodes, whose original title is “La Cage”. The story is that of a young fighter who aspires to become an MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) professional, but to do so he will have to face a very difficult match to manage along the way. Let’s discover together the plot, the cast and when “The Cage” comes out on Netflix.
The cage: the plot
The TV series features a young MMA enthusiast, Taylor (played by Melvin Boomer), whose sole goal is to become a professional in this sport, namely mixed martial arts. The man tries to fight with all his might to get to the top, partly because he needs to earn a lot of money due to his father’s huge debt, partly to demonstrate to everyone, including his family, that he can make it big this world.
Initially the results are really poor: despite the effort and the continuous and exhausting training and fighting, the people who “count” do not recognize his value, at least until the boy manages to seize a completely unexpected opportunity, but certainly much appreciated (and dangerous), which allows him to fight in a ring of a completely different level, with the possibility of winning a large amount of money. The opponent, however, is very formidable, and no one believes that he can beat him: the protagonist is now in a cage…
The cage: the cast
In addition to Melvin Boomer (the miniseries “Reign Supreme”), who plays Taylor, the cast of “The Cage” includes two MMA legends, namely Jon Jones and Georges Saint-Pierre. Bosh (Ibrahim), Antoine Simony (Niko), Edwige Ahonto, Salahdine Parnasse and Ciryl Gane complete the acting team.
The cage: when it comes out
The 5 episodes of the TV series “The Cage” will be released in Italy only on Netflix starting from 8 November 2024 (in France, where it was produced, they will be available from 14 November).