Luca Zingaretti is the protagonist of a new Netflix series, “The perfect boss”, a 6-episode title, produced by Cattleya and inspired by “El Buen Patrón”, the acclaimed comedy by Fernando León de Aranoa. Today the first take on Rubiera (Reggio Emilia) for this new Italian series of the streaming platform which will be filmed between Rubiera, Modena, Sassuolo and surrounding areas.
The series is written by Davide Lantieri (I delitti del Barlume, Il grande giorno) Michele Pellegrini (Imma Tataranni, The mafia only kills in summer), who is also Head Writer, Marco Pettenello (Berlinguer – The great ambition, Far away) , Serena Patrignanelli (Rosa Elettrica) and Virginia Virilli (Bang Bang Baby).
Roan Johnson (I delitti del Glimmer, Piuma) directs the first 3 episodes while Niccolò Falsetti (Margini) directs the last 3. The series is based on El Buen Patrón, the film by Fernando León de Aranoa, who also signs the Subject of series.
The perfect boss: the plot
Giulio Zagni is “the perfect boss”, always the undisputed and beloved ruler of his steering wheel factory and his family. Friends, relatives, employees can go astray, because he is always there to fix things, whatever the cost. But when this well-oiled mechanism fails, the professional and family life of this model Motor Valley entrepreneur suddenly spirals out of control. Between tragicomic unexpected events and strokes of genius, will Giulio be able to get back on track?
The perfect boss: who’s in the cast
The cast includes Luca Zingaretti (Giulio Zagni), Francesco Colella, Giovanni Esposito, Alessia Giuliani, Carmine Buschini, Alberto Boubakar Malanchino, Sara Drago, Cristina Cappelli, Sara Mondello, Anna Bisciari and Cristina Parku.
The Perfect Boss: when it comes out on Netflix
We don’t yet have an official release date but we can imagine being able to see The Perfect Boss on Netflix in 2026.