The Venetian governor Luca Zaia returns to the bookshop. This time to talk about autonomy

The Venetian governor Luca Zaia returns to the bookshop. This time to talk about autonomy

A new book for Luca Zaia. The president of the Veneto Region and leading exponent of the League returns to the bookstore with his latest effort, bringing his publications with Marsilio to four in the last four years. Autonomy. The necessary revolutionwill be released in bookstores on November 12th.

Zaia and autonomy

With Let’s think about it (2021), the governor had analyzed the dramatic season of the pandemic, and put the ideas and new challenges for the future on the scales, as he did in the following Pessimists don’t make a fortune (2022). With Hurry up, go slowpublished in 2023, retracing the stages of his first trip to Spain as a boy, had instead compared the possibilities of today with the difficulties of yesterday, and the hopes of a generation and the promises of history, between intuitions and desires, expectations and unscheduled. With this latest book on autonomy, however, Zaia wishes to “speak to citizens, in a simple and direct way, about autonomy and the principles that inspired it”.

What does autonomy really consist of? And how can citizens’ lives change for the better? The Venetian governor tries to give answers to these questions, bringing the discussion to the pragmatic level of those who live and work in the area, “showing why the change will benefit all the regions. And he dismantles the objections and exploitations of those who point to the autonomy as a threat to the unity of the country and defend a system that has contributed to creating current inequalities.”

Book cover