Ricostruzione 3D attentato a Trump

We reconstruct with 3D animations the dynamics and chronology of the attack on Donald Trump

We have reconstructed the dynamics of the technical and analytical wayattack on Donald Trump July 13, 2024, updated July 25, 2024. The former President of the United States of America was in Butler, Pennsylvania, for a campaign rally. Around the stage set up on the grounds of the local agricultural fair were three stepsbehind which they were stationed two pairs of snipers positioned at a height of about 7 meters inside as many buildings: one pair had a view to the north (let’s call it North Team) and the other had a south view (south team). Thomas Matthew Crooksthe attacker, was located in 137 meters away from Trump, who was lying on a sloping roof opposite the stage. From there, the view of the former president was excellent and at the same time he was partially hidden by a tree. However, his presence was reportedly noticed already at the beginning of the rally.

Trump Attack: What Happened: The Timeline of Events

This is the exact one Timeline of events main:

  • 18:03 – Trump takes the stage.
  • 18:04 – Crooks is spotted by civilians outside the perimeter climbing onto the roof.
  • 18:05 – Trump begins to speak.
  • 18:09:32 – Crooks is seen hugging a rifle: the crowd begins to raise alarm.
  • 18:09:36 – South Team turns to view the area where Crooks is located.
  • 18:10:17 – Civilians start screaming.
  • 18:11:24 – The audience becomes aware of Crooks’ presence.
  • 18:11:27 – You hear him exclaim, “He’s armed, he has a gun, he’s on the roof.”
  • 18:11:33 – Crooks fires the first shot. Seven more follow in the next 5 seconds. The first shot wounds Donald Trump in the ear, who is saved only because by pure chance at that moment he was turning his head to point to the giant screen. The other shots wound two people and kill Corey Buyera former firefighter, who was standing in the stands.
  • 18:11:39 – The first shot is fired at Crooks.
  • 18:11:48 – The second and final shot is fired at Crooks, who neutralizes it.

The unresolved aspects of the rally attack

The exact dynamics cannot be reconstructed perfectly because at the moment there remain some uncertain aspects. First of all, we do not know whether the shot that killed Crooks, the second, was fired by the North team or the South team. But above all, it is not clear why Crooks had been listed as a suspect for an hour but Crooks did not stop or disrupt the rally. These questions, while legitimate, are the ideal breeding ground for conspiracy theorieswhich however we do not want to feed.