societa per azioni definizione funzionamento

What is a company for Spa shares and how does it work?

There Spaacronym of Joint -stock companyis a form of business in which i membersthat is, those who have the shares of the company in the form of actionshave the opportunity to manage the company without putting their personal goods at risk. In fact, the spa is one limited liability company: the shareholders are responsible only for the capital they have invested in society, without their private assets being able to be touched in case of bankruptcy. The shareholders invest a capital (which must be at least 50,000 euros in total) and participate in the management of the company, which faces the costs and the debts exclusively with the corporate assets. Various exist within a spa organ who take care of administering and controlling it, guaranteeing transparency in everything that is done. These include the shareholders’ meeting, the Board of Directors and the control bodies such as the Board of Statutory Auditors or the Legal Auditor. In addition, a spa can be listed on the stock exchangewhich means that its actions can be exchanged on financial markets. This gives the company the possibility of collecting capital more easily, but submits it to more stringent regulations to guarantee Transparency and protection of investors. Not all spa are listed on the stock exchange, but those that are must comply with rigorous information obligations.

The fundamental characteristics of a spa

To start a spa you must form it with a notarial deed; The notary then records the deed and enrolls the company in the business register. For the establishment of the same, a Minimum capital of 50,000 euros. This capital is then divided into shares, which represent the shares that the shareholders have. The actions are all the same and can be bought and sold freely. This makes the SPA a form of a very flexible business, since shareholders can enter or get out simply by buying or selling the shares. The spa are distinguished among those open and those closed: the open are those that sell shares to the public, for example companies listed on the stock exchange; While the spa closed, however, do not emit actions on the market.

How the Spa structure works

A spa has an organizational structure made up of several bodies that deal with managing and controlling the company to guarantee transparency and good management:

  • The shareholders’ meeting: the organ that makes the most important decisions, approves the balance or changes of the statute and must meet at least once a year.
  • The administrators: They are the managers of the company’s daily management and deal with operational decisions.
  • The board of statutory auditors: has the task of monitoring that the management of the company takes place in compliance with the law and the corporate statute.

What happens if the spa melts?

If the capital of a SPA drops under the legal minimum of 50,000 euros or if the company is no longer able to operate as a granted, the joint -stock company melts. In this case, a liquidator which deals with the closing of the accountsto fix the various debts and credits that the company had and of cancel the company from Business register.

Why do Spa is written with the tiny “p”?

The reason is linked to some grammatical conventions often used for acronyms to distinguish the importance of words: in the spa case the Sort and the TO These are the initials of the words on which attention must be paid (companies and shares), and therefore they are written capital. There p It means “for”, which is only a simple preposition that unites the two relevant words (companies and shares), and therefore is written in lowercase.