domini internet

What is an Internet domain and what is the name of a website for: the explanation

When you browse the Internet, each website you visit has a unique address called “domain name”. It’s one text string that identifies a specific server and makes it accessible to users without having to remember complex numerical addresses (so-called IP addresses). For example, “” is a second-level domain name that allows you to easily reach our online magazine without having to type the corresponding IP address. This system is managed by a service called DNS (Domain Name System), which acts as a huge “global address book,” translating domain names into their IP addresses and vice versa. Knowing the meaning of top-level domains (such as .com, .net, .org, .it, .us, and so on) can give a first idea of ​​the topics covered by a certain website or the language in which they are written its contents.

What are Internet domains and what are they for

A domain is not just a string of text that intuitively identifies a website and is associated with a specific IP: it is part of a larger structure that organizes and manages resources on the Internet, ensuring that every request is routed correctly to the right servers. This mechanism is made possible by DNSa decentralized system through which it is possible type an easy-to-remember name into your browser and access the corresponding site without worrying about its real position on the Internet.

Within the domain hierarchy, the root or root domain represents the highest level, under which the top level domains or TLD (Top-Level Domain). These can be generic (.com, .net, .orgetc.) or national, such as .it, .us, .frand so on. THE second level domains are those registered by users, such as geopop.itwhile i subdomains or third level domains they are extensions created within an existing domain to better organize contents or services, such as This hierarchical structure facilitates the management and indexing of websites on the Internet.

With over 350 million domains registered in 2024, choosing a suitable name for your website is increasingly crucial for businesses and individuals who want to establish their online presence.

The meaning of the main Internet domains

But let’s now come to a central aspect of this article: the meaning of the main Internet domains. In the 1984the University of Wisconsin created the first DNS nameserver and that’s when the first seven were released generic top-level Internet domains or gTLDwhich can in turn be divided based on their usability.

The so-called Unrestricted gTLDare the ones that can be used by anyone, and are the following.

  • .com – commercial
  • .net – network oriented
  • .org – non-profit organization

THE Restricted gTLDHowever, only authorized bodies can use them. Among these are:

  • .edu – US educational accredited
  • .gov – US government agencies
  • .mil – US military
  • .int – international treaties (introduced in 1988)

Since 2000, theICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) added more domains. Among these are the Sponsored gTLDs (usable only by relevant entities), including:

  • .aero – global aviation community
  • .Asia – Pan-Asia/Asia Pacific region
  • .cat – Catalan community
  • .coop – cooperatives
  • .jobs – human resources/employment
  • .mobi – mobile products/services
  • .museum – museums
  • .post – postal sector
  • .pro – authorized professionals
  • .tel – contacts
  • .travel – travel sector
  • .xxx – content prohibited for minors

Then there are some Non-sponsored gTLDs (freely used to register website domains for various purposes), including:

  • .biz – companies
  • .info – information service
  • .name – individuals

Not to forget, then, that each country also has a top-level domain, the so-called ccTLD (country code Top-Level Domain). For example, .it it is the one used for Italian sites, .ch for those from Switzerland, .fr for those of France, .us for those in the United States, and so on.