
Why can organize a trip become so difficult? The neurological processes at the base

At the beginning of the year we think of the good intentions to be carried out during the year that has just begun, and 51% of Italians begin to think about trips to be undertaken in the following months according to an Onepoll research of Skyscanner. Perhaps, taken from enthusiasm, you have already started doing your research on the destinations on sites, comparing flight prices, accommodation, car rental … and whoever has more. However, at some point, it may be happened to you to block you: all those available options made you “burst your brain”, and now you don’t know what to choose anymore. If you have always defined yourself Wanderlust (term of English origin that indicates those who have a strong desire to travel), ended up entering a mental state of Wanderlosta term coined by the neuroscientist Faye Begeti, in which you are so much lost that they cannot plan anything anymore. This is the decision -making paralysisa phenomenon in which the mind goes into cognitive overload because it feels overwhelmed by too many options. In this article, let’s see what happens in the brain when too much choice blocks us. In addition, we will give you some advice to organize trips more decisively.

What happening in the brain when there are too many options: what is the paradox of choice

At the neuroscientific level, the decision -making paralysis It involves a series of different mechanisms and areas of the brain related to the processing of information, executive control and the management of emotions.

When we have many options in front, the prefrontal cortexwhich is responsible for executive and decision -making processes, is put to the test and ends up in one stress. This part of the brain, in fact, can process up to a certain quantity of information (comparing the details of each alternative requires a lot of attention and focus, moreover) at the same time, and if there are too many to evaluate it becomes less efficient. In the context of neurosciences this phenomenon can also be called “Paradox of choice“: Although having many choices in front of it is generally a positive thing, too many options can lead to anxiety, stress and difficulties in making decisions.


Then there is theamigdalawhich is a part of the brain involved in the regulation of emotions. Usually it is activated in case of fear and when you perceive a threat, but also in the case of indecision and uncertainty. Just the fear of making the potentially wrong choice therefore intensifies the activity of the amygdala, and with it the mechanism of response to stress that stimulates the release of cortisol (stress hormone) by the adrenal glands. The brain, in trouble, chooses the shortest way, and induces to procrastinate decisions, preventing cortisol from lowering and chronicizing stress (cortisol becomes a problem when stress is prolonged, and procrastination lowers the peak of stress in the short term term to keep it on average high over long).

In addition to the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala, when it comes to procrastination, we cannot fail to mention the dopaminergic system. There dopamine It is a neurotransmitter associated with reward and motivation, therefore it is essential for decisions. If you feel overwhelmed because there are too many things to choose around, the brain cannot identify the reward, because it does not understand which one is the one that leads to a greater benefit.

But that’s not all. When the brain is thus feeling overloaded with information, it could resort to mechanisms that we could define “mental shortcuts“, Which are managed by the limbic system and deep brain structures, such as the Accumens nucleusto reduce the cognitive load. However, these shortcuts often lead to impulsive (if not almost forced) and not calculated decisions, and are then not very satisfactory.

Furthermore, according to a study published in 2021 on NatureThe front cingol (part of the brain involved in the evaluation of cognitive conflicts) becomes hyperactive when trying to balance too much information. Not to mention that the front-long circuit (which connects the prefrontal cortex al limbic systemwho manages emotions and memory) “blocks”, and goes to encounter a real difficulty in going from thoughts to action. According to another 2023 study always published in Nature, the connection between the prefrontal cortex is essential above all and the limbic regions for face complex choices.

How to organize a stressless journey

In short, Mental fatigue is realas well as the procrastination that derives from it. But when we talk about planning and booking trips, sooner or later you have to decide, so what can be done to get out of this limbo? According to the neuroscientist Faye Begeti There are some strategies Which can help reduce cognitive load, facilitate decisions and even make them faster.

Those who are thinking of making a trip and feel “paralyzed” in deciding, therefore, can start by narrowing the field of options. After this first important step and careful analysis, given that mental energy is still “high” you must immediately perform the First decisions important, which concern the Booking flight and accommodation.


Another strategy recommended by Begeti is that of balance mental energy with the right holiday: choose a holiday that is in line with your mental state. When you mentally overload, it is better to opt for a more peaceful holiday.

Begeti also recommends that you exploit anticipatory dopamine: The brain feeds on anticipation, so it is important to ensure that the preparation of the holiday is as stimulating as much as the journey itself. In this sense, it can help insert your favorite destinations in a list and see them again as the plans are perfected.
Undoubtedly a part of procrastination also derives from comparing costs, as anticipated at the opening. Fortunately, on the internet there are many sites that allow travelers to compare flight prices, hotels and car rentals from various companies and travel sites. For example, with Skyscanner It is possible to set Alert via e-mail that warn you on the price drops in the destinations of your interest.