north sentinel isola piu pericolosa mondo

Why is North Sentinel considered one of the most dangerous islands in the world?

The island of North Sentinelpart of the archipelago of Andamane in the Gulf of Bengala, it is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous And unknown of the world. Located in the Gulf of Bengal, between India and Burma, this small island as big as Manhattan is inhabited by the tribe of Sentineleseone of the Most isolated populations on the planet. Its danger does not derive only from his remote geographical locationbut also from aggressive behavior of its inhabitantswho have chosen to maintain total insulation, refusing any form of contact with the outside world and also coming to kill anyone who tries to approach their land. In the past, in fact, some attempts to approach to the Sentinelese they ended up in tragedy. In the 2006for example, a missionary American, John Allen Chauhe tried to get in touch with the tribe, ignoring the prohibitions imposed by the Indian authorities. Despite his intentions to try to bring the Christianity In their culture, he was killed by the Sentinelese with arrows a few days after his arrival.

Because the Indian government has introduced the ban on visiting the island of North Sentinel

To protect the population of Sentinelese and their way of life, the Indian government has imposed severe prohibitions regarding access to North Sentinel. Anyone who tries to approach or enter the island risks heavy penalties, including the imprisonment, but also to lose life Given the aggression of the Sentinelese who kill anyone who is perceived as a foreigner. The Indian law establishes that access to the island is prohibited For any purpose, whether it is tourism, research or other activities, in order to guarantee the complete autonomy of the tribe and prevent any form of external contamination.

From the 1996the area surrounding the island is considered a “protection area“To prevent the tribe from being exposed to External diseases so it has no immunity. This protection area includes a band around North Sentinelwithin which the entry to any person is forbidden.

The protection of the lands of the Sentinelese it also aims to preserve theirs culture and theirs natural environment from external threats, such as pollution or marketing of resources. The voluntary insulation of the tribe is seen as an attempt to preserve cultural heterogeneity and to avoid contact with the outside world, which could have devastating effects on their society and their health.

Also, the Indian authorities they regularly monitor the area surrounding the island to prevent that unauthorized boats approach, and have adopted surveillance measures to ensure that the law is respected. Protective policies have become an international reference point for the protection of isolated tribes and for the promotion of theirs cultural self -determination And territorial.

Who are the sentinelese, how they live and what language they speak

The SentineLesi are among the last ethnic groups to live in total insulation. The tribe will be believed to live the island from at least 60,000 yearskeeping their traditions and lifestyle intact. Physically have dark black skin and low heightsail on canoe under the coast, the bodies are painted and seem to live in the stone agebut they found a way of Use the iron from shipwrecked ships. They speak the “Sentinelese”, they are not cannibals And they feed mainly of fish, turtles and coconut, But any other information about theirs culture, their languages and the daily practices, remain unknown outside the small island, since categorically refuse any form of interaction with the modern world. Any attempt to approach the island was welcomed with hostility: The inhabitants use arrows, darts and other objects to reject intruders, thus protecting their territory. Their number is a bet: Fifty, perhaps one hundred or four hundred. It is difficult to be more precise because it is impossible to verify: the Sentinelesi do not allow anyone to approach their island, let alone penetrating the hinterland to perform a census.


Meyer Ka (2019). “The Sentinelese of North Sentinel Island: An Ovreriew of Isolation and Protection”

Bose A. (2007) “Isolation, Protection, and Intervention: The Sentinese of North Sentinel Island”

Hughes JD (2001) “Ecology and Anthropology of Isolated Societies: A Case Study of North Sentinel Island”