"With the DDL Security Italy becomes like Hungary"

“With the DDL Security Italy becomes like Hungary”

With the security bill, Italy risks becoming like Hungary. It is the alarm launched by the representatives of the Green and Left alliance, who organized an event on the topic of the Brussels Parliament with the participation of the national network ‘No DDL Security’.

“In Europe we have already seen what happens when the rights of dissent and protest are not respected in a Member State, as in Hungary. Today, instead of doing everything possible to prevent this from repeating, in Italy we see another Member State which meets the same risks due to an liberticidal and authoritarian measure, “said the MEP BENEDETTA SCUDERI in the press conference.

“Italy is not alone and we must ensure that Europe remains by our side, that same Europe that must continue to protect democracy, freedoms and fundamental rights. These are also the fundamental values ​​that led to the foundation of ‘EU and this is the EU we want to talk about today, “added Scuderi.

“Authoritarian screwing”

Mimmo Lucano instead defined the security bill “an authoritarian and dangerous screwing that touch the right to contest an unfair world”. “Often, when the right speaks of security, it ends up taking it out with the weakest, with those who live on the margins”, highlighted the former mayor of Riace, according to which the provision wanted by Giorgia Meloni’s government “tries to criminalize all form of dissent “.

“We will bring this battle” against the security bill “in every place, until the end, in Rome as in Brussels, but you cannot play only in the institutions: you have to go out and fight in society, in the squares, in schools and universities. Create an alternative and large democratic platform, “said the Italian left secretary, Nicola Fratoianni, also to the European Parliament for the initiative, together with the other leader of AVS, the co-sport of Europe Verde, Angelo Bonelli.

The next steps

The discussion of the bill, which has already had the ok of the deputies in Parliament, could start in the Senate in early March if it will be approved by the Constitutional Affairs and Justice Commissions that have been examining it for a few weeks by rejecting, so far, the amendments of the oppositions , over a thousand in all. If the changes should be approved, of course, the text should return to the Chamber for a new reading.