With the healthcare dictatorship Meloni legitimizes the haters
Frustration, disillusionment, anger is what I felt after the approval of the milleproroghe. The anger, however, did not last long because none of the promulgators of this decree deserve to have such power. The power to determine such a strong emotion in those who worked, in the ward, during all the pandemic waves. The pompous comments from the anti-vaccination world come from extremely manipulated people.
After all, it is much easier to create an enemy like the “health dictatorship” rather than projecting real world data to people where the health expenditure/GDP ratio is reduced from 6.4% in 2024 to 6.3% in 2025-2026 to 6.2% in 2027. Numbers well below the pre-pandemic value of 2019. Let’s pretend that the abolition of a fine means “I’m on your side part.” From the data that emerge on the high percentages of functional illiteracy in Italy, many might even believe it.
The health dictatorship suits Meloni
The milleproroghe repeals the financial sanctions regarding mandatory vaccination for the prevention of the Sars-Cov2 virus, implicitly agreeing with those who called us a “health dictatorship” during the advent of the second pandemic wave. This increases mistrust towards medicine. On the internet there is a preponderance of pompous comments from those who belong to the anti-vaccination world. The Hon. also rejoices. Villages and in Telegram groups, users without first and last names, pyre with the profiles of those who have expressed their opinion in favor of vaccinations.
“The amnesty for anti-vaxing costs us 180 million, an insult to those who are no longer here”
Well, being pro-scientific evidence and going to work every day according to these principles gave me the “side effect” of having to consult a group of lawyers to supervise my profiles against offenses and threats. Thanks to the milleproroghe, these people now feel like winners. In summary, the milleproroghe legitimized my haters and their aggression. It is difficult to explain what it feels like to be called a “health dictatorship” while you carry out your daily work in a place that turns into a hostile and contaminated space.
The decree that legitimizes the haters
Yes, because now that we know SarsCov-2 and the Covid disease well we can have the tools to make a retrospective judgement. In those initial and excited moments the only confusing information came from China and bilateral interstitial pneumonia continued to claim victims. The most important considerations, in addition to the transmissibility and lethality of the virus, have always been made with regard to the stability of the National Health Service and the advent of vaccinations between the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 has made it possible to guarantee this. What is meant by health service maintenance? Being able to guarantee everyone a bed and care.
The forgotten Covid heroes
It may seem obvious but this is not the case given that we began to have the first “breathing moments” in the wards after the advent of vaccinations which prevented serious forms of the disease. This was possible thanks to the 50,018,869 people, or 84.99% of the population who were vaccinated against Sars-Cov-2 by completing the primary vaccination cycle (as reported by the data updated to September 1, 2023) but today we prefer to give rise to a different narrative.
Fines canceled for anti-vaxxers: the insult comes for those who have already paid them
The mockery of the milleproroghe on the stop of fines for Novax also comes to those who paid that fine in the end. Those who accepted the fine imposed by the State were, in fact, penalized compared to those who never paid. I find it an uneducational attitude which diminishes the State itself as well as the role of those who have been called, without any request, heroes. Healthcare personnel. Today, only shreds of that cloak remain.