Worst Ex Ever, the Netflix Docuseries About Toxic Relationships: Trailer and Release Date

Worst Ex Ever, the Netflix Docuseries About Toxic Relationships: Trailer and Release Date

If you are among the many who were shocked and glued to your devices by the terrifying, but unfortunately true stories of the docu-series Worst Rommate Ever, know that the same authors have worked on a project that promises to be even more disturbing. This is the new true crime docu-series Worst Ex Ever- Fatal Relationshipscoming out on Netflix on August 14th and which will delve into the story of nightmarish love, toxic relationships, fear, abuse, psychological violence and more, exploring the depths into which one can fall by choosing the wrong person.

The increasingly large audience interested in true crime will therefore have something for everyone with this new title, released in a few days by the streaming platform. Viewers will be led to the discovery of terrible true stories, with shocking tales of betrayal, violence and deceit. Through compelling testimonies, videos recorded with bodycams and animated reconstructions, Worst Ex Ever – Fatal Relationships will reveal the disturbing stories of relationships that have revealed themselves to be true descents into hell if not deadly traps.

Encounters like many others, the choice to stay together and share life, and then, often sudden and unexpected, a fatal blow to the relationship: the discovery of a betrayal or an unspeakable secret, possessiveness and sick jealousy, the breakdown of the relationship and the partner who becomes an obsession. And again, physical and psychological abuse, terror within the domestic walls, violence, daily hells. All this will be told in the four episodes of the new Netflix true crime docu-series Worst Ex Ever- Fatal Relationships. Each episode will tell a single love story turned into a nightmare thanks to recordings, archive materials, animation and chilling testimonies that will lead the audience to probe the darkest and most terrifying side of toxic relationships.

In the trailer released by the platform we hear stories that are initially “perfect”, which are then defined as “tragic”, and then we hear about stalking, “torture”, weapons, murder planning and finally the question that is the basis of the entire series, from the protagonist of one of the four stories: “Who did I marry?”

To find out more and delve into these nightmares, you will have to wait until August 14th when Netflix will make the first four episodes of the true crime series available to its subscribers. Worst Ex Ever- Fatal Relationships.