What do we know so far on You 5, in addition to the fact that it will be the last season of the Netflix series with Penn Badgley as serial killer Joe Goldberg? We know its official release date. But let’s take one step at a time.
After the release of the fourth season of You, the Netflix series taken from the bestseller of Caroline Kepnes Tu. What would you do for love? He continued to be talked about and his series grand finale that will be there with the release of the fifth season announced by Netflix on March 24, 2023. From that moment the theories of fans on the you end of you have started to turn on the web , especially after that unexpected and shocking ending of the fourth season that leaves different roads open for Joe’s future, as well as the announcement of Penn Badgley on the fact that his character, in You 5, will have a new power. But how will you finish, you 5? How will this Netflix series that revolutionized the world of TV series and, specifically, the genus of the crime? And when will the latest episodes of the standard be released? Let’s find out together.
Let’s face it, we like Joe Goldberg in a bad Verisone
The (possible) plot of you 5
(Attention spoiler!)
What could access in You 5? Considering that the fourth season of Youu It ends with Joe who after attempting suicide survives and begins a new life together with Kate becoming a Power Couple known internationally we can imagine that a new season could bring Joe back struggling with his inner demons who has so far silenced But who are still there within him, as seen in the final scene in which Joe’s reflection at the window is nothing more than that of Rhys, the character who at the end of chapter four of the series played his side by serial killer. And what will be of Marianne? Joe could discover that the woman she is obsessed with and who believes to be dead, is actually still alive and return to persecute her. And with Kate is everything really roses and flowers? This aspect of Joe’s life could also be deepened in chapter 5 of the series. But we’ll see.
You 4, Part 2, The explanation of the ending
Penn Badgley reveals what we have to expect from you 5
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You 5 will be bloody and obscured and Joe will have a new power
To talk about the first advances on You 5 was Penn Badgley himself who, in an interview with Entertainment Tonight last March 2023, revealed that his character in the new season of the Netflix series will have a new power and his dark nature will take The upper hand is increasingly.
“Joe has obviously returned home, in New York but now he has unlimited resources (staying together with Kate) – said Penn – now he has that power he had never had before and now he is finally embracing his true nature, he is doing Take the upper hand over the animal who is in him.
You 5. The teaser
When you come out 5 on Netflix
You 5 came out on Netflix on April 2, 2025 with all episodes.
The best Netflix series on serial killers really existed