You 5: the trailer and release date of the grand series finale revealed

You 5: the trailer and release date of the grand series finale revealed

When is You 5 coming out on Netflix? When will we see Penn Badgley for the last time as one of the most controversial and fascinating characters on the small screen, Joe Goldberg dealing with his inner demons, his crimes and his final act? If until now we still couldn’t answer this question, now things have changed because Netflix has just revealed when the grand finale of You will be released and previewed the first images of the new season.

You, the Netflix series about the unscrupulous serial killer played by Penn Badgley is ready for the release of its fifth and final chapter which will put an end to one of the most beloved Netflix titles of all time. You 5, in fact, is about to debut on Netflix but when and what should we expect? Let’s find out.

How did You 4 end?

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You 5: who’s in the cast, old faces and new entries

Naturally, Penn Badgley will return in the role of Joe Goldberg but in addition to him there are many great returns but also the highly anticipated new entries of the last season of You. In fact, we also expect Charlie Ritchie to resume her role as Kate Lockwood in the fifth season but it doesn’t end there because last March 8, 2024, Deadline revealed that the actress The Handmaid’s TaleMadeline Brewer has joined the cast of the final season of You.

Brewer’s role is that of Bronte, described as “an enigmatic, free-spirited playwright who comes to work for Goldberg in his bookstore. As the two connect with literature and loss, she fuels his nostalgia for himself as he once was, making him question everything his life has become.”

The review of You 4

You 5: hypotheses on the plot

But what should we expect from the plot of You 5? We know well that the ending of the fourth chapter of You left room for a continuation that could be very interesting and bring Joe’s darker side back to life. We know that over the years Joe has killed many people, as well as destroyed the lives of anyone who entered his and has always gotten away with it. Now Joe, lives a life of wealth, power and apparent happiness with his new partner Kate. He is protected by the authorities and has an endless supply of money. He returned to New York after his stint in London and started from scratch. But we know well that his dark side is more alive than ever and ready to take over. Will he kill Kate? Something tells us yes but, in the meantime, we expect great things from this final chapter which for Joe will mean coming to terms with himself and his past.

You 5: when it comes out on Netflix

You 5 debuts on Netflix on April 24, 2025.

The teaser trailer for You 5

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