In recent days, a case of Zika virus – of the same family as the Dengue virus – in a woman from Melzo (MI) hospitalized for fever and other suspicious symptoms. The case has alerted health authorities to this infectious disease transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Aedesin particular the yellow fever mosquito ((Aedes aegypti) and the tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) now widespread for some years also in Italy. This is the reason why an extraordinary mosquito disinfestation intervention was immediately ordered in the Municipality of Melzo. The diagnosed case concerns a patient who had contracted the virus abroad and therefore falls within the cases of the so-called “traveler’s diseases”, but there are others zoonosis transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes with cases of infection also on the national territory. Let’s see how it is transmitted, what the symptoms are and how we can protect ourselves from this virus.
What is Zika virus?
The Zika virus is an RNA virus that belongs to the same family as the dengue, West Nile fever and yellow fever viruses, infections transmitted to humans by some species of mosquitoes and all subject to special surveillance in Italy, according to a national plan coordinated by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità since 2016: the “National plan for surveillance and response to mosquito-borne arboviral diseases (Aedes sp.) with particular reference to Chikungunya, Dengue and Zika viruses“.
Zika virus is a Flavivirus and it is called this way because it was isolated for the first time in 1947 in Uganda among the monkeys of the forest Of Zika. It was classified as a human pathogen only in 2007 following the identification of some outbreaks in the Pacific Islands. Today it is present in the United States (in Florida and Texas), in Central and South America, in the Caribbean, the Pacific, Cape Verde, Africa and Southeast Asia.
In most cases, Zika infection is asymptomatic and even cases of death I am Very rareAny feverish symptoms usually resolve within a few days. 4 – 7 days and I am very light. However, it is very dangerous to contract the disease in pregnancy for the consequences it may have on the development of the fetus. According to the latest updates from the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, in Italy from 1 January to 5 August 2024, 50 cases were found 4 confirmed cases of Zika, all associated with foreign travel, and there have been no deaths.
How Zika is transmitted
Zika can be transmitted either by mosquitoes or between people.In the case of the mosquito, a subject is point from a carrier of the virus and while the disease is ongoing it could be bitten again by another mosquito that becomes infected and in turn transfers the virus to others, triggering an outbreak in an area. This virus, unlike others, can also be transmitted between people through blood and others liquids organic on the way sexualin case of transfusions or by way intrauterine from the mother to the fetus.
It has been evident for over ten years an increase in cases of illnesses viral tropical in Italy and in Europeboth as cases imported by travellers and as cases infected domestically by infected mosquitoes. The reasons are multiple: greater frequency of trips abroad also in other continents, greater speed of movement of thank you that could be contaminatedpresence of insects tropical even in our latitudes due to the change climate and for the drastic reduction of predators like bats and insectivorous birds.

What are the symptoms and how to prevent it?
The infection is in about 80% of cases it is asymptomatic and any symptoms are rather mild and with a short course, from 4 to 7 days. Typically, fever, joint pain, headache, rashes and conjunctivitis occur. The incubation period ranges from 3 to 13 days from the bite of the infected mosquito. The virus is instead fearful for pregnant women as it can cause microcephaly in the fetus, anomalies in the development of the eye and other disorders collectively defined as “congenital Zika syndrome”. For this reason, pregnant women must undergo testing for the Zika virus if they have been or live in countries at risk. In the case of infection with symptoms, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità provides some general indications on treatment, recommending rest, fluid intake to avoid dehydration and possibly paracetamol in the case of fever, avoiding aspirin and NSAIDs.
As of today There are no vaccines or medicines for preventive therapiestherefore, at the moment the only indication is to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes, possible vectors of the disease. You should protect yourself from bites with repellents for suitable mosquitoes, wearing long-sleeved clothing outdoors, preventing mosquitoes from entering the rooms by using mosquito nets and reducing the proliferation of these insects as much as possible.
In this regard, we have created a video specifically to explain how mosquito repellents work. We leave it below.