“Adorazione” arrives on Netflix, the young adult TV series created by Donatella Diamanti, Giovanni Galassi, directed by Stefano Mordini (“La Scuola Cattolica”) and based on the debut novel of the same name by Alice Urciuolo, known for having written the screenplays of TV series such as “Skam Italia” and “Prisma”. The new television production consists of six episodes and follows the disappearance of the rebel Elena, whose investigations involve a group of teenagers and their families who question themselves about what actually happened: they are all hiding a secret regarding their relationship with the young teenager and who could somehow shed light on the event that happened in Pontinia, in the Agro Pontino. The series is written by Donatella Diamanti, Tommaso Matano, Giovanni Galassi, Gianluca Gloria and Francesca Tozzi and filmed between Sabaudia and Latina.
Adoration: the complete cast
Alice Lupparelli plays 16-year-old Elena, a young rebel who dreams of leaving the province and is engaged to Enrico, here played by Tommaso Donadoni, already ‘known’ for the role of Mirko, the victim, in the Rai drama “Living is not a game as kids.” In “Adoration” Elena disappears, leaving the entire town and her group of friends, especially her best friend Vanessa, in panic. It is not the first time we have seen the actress on the screen: she arrived at the cinema with the film “Fuori la vera” by Davide Minnella, while on TV we have already seen her in “Maschi Veri” and the famous Rai 1 drama “ A professor 2”.
Noemi Magagnini is Vanessa, Elena’s best friend who has been together with the rich Gianmarco forever, or almost. The latter is played by Luigi Bruno, known for his participation in Paolo Sorrentino’s “Parthenope” and for being Andrea Delogu’s boyfriend. Described as “beautiful and perfect”, Vanessa comes to terms with herself while the village tries to understand what happened to Elena. Actress Noemi Magagnino (“Phantom Night”) is making her debut on the small screen.
Giulio Brizzi plays Giorgio, Vera’s good-hearted brother who wants to help others, take care of people, but who doesn’t seem to know what the correct way to do is. Over time he will discover that violence hides inside every person. The actor is quite well known in the television and film scene. His latest works include the film “Time is Up” by Elisa Amoruso and “Race for Glory: Audi vs. Lancia” and the TV series “Curon” and “The war is over”.
Noemi, in her debut as an actress, plays the role of Diletta, the mother of Diana (Penelope Raggi) who the singer-songwriter describes as a woman “very different from her”, determined, strong and independent.
Beatrice Puccilli is Vera, Giorgio’s sister and Diana’s best friend with whom she has a very intimate and true friendship. The actress is in the cast of the film “Diva Futura”, which premiered at the latest Venice Film Festival. Not only that, because we also saw her in “The App” in 2019, a film distributed by Netflix like the TV series “Adoration”.
Adoration: the other protagonists of the TV series
Among the other members of the cast of “Adoration” there are:
- Claudia Potenza is Vanessa’s mother, Manuela;
- Penelope Raggi is Diana;
- Federica Bonocore is the restless Melissa, Giorgio’s ex-girlfriend;
- Barbara Chichiarelli is Melissa’s aunt and the policewoman in charge of the investigation on the case;
- Ilenia Pastorelli is the mother of Vera and Giorgio, Enza;
- Tommaso Donadoni is Elena’s boyfriend, Enrico;
- Luigi Bruno is Gianmarco, Vanessa’s boyfriend;
- Federico Russo (Mimmo in “I Cesaroni”) is Christian;
- Alessia Cosmo is Tiziana;
- Max Mazzotta is Ricotta;
- Mario Sgueglia is Andrea.