The documentary becomes a medical drama. Apple TV+ announces the debut of Midnight family (Night emergencies in Italian), the new series created by showrunner and director Natalia Beristáin and created for television by Julio Rojas and Gibrán Portela. Here is the trailer, plot, cast and release date of the new Spanish-language medical drama.
Family of medianoche, the trailer
Familia de medianoche, the plot
Inspired by the award-winning documentary of the same name, Midnight family (Night emergencies in Italian), explains the synopsis, “follows Marigaby Tamayo, an ambitious and gifted medical student by day, who spends her nights saving lives in a sprawling, conflicted and fascinating Mexico City, aboard her family’s private ambulance. Along with her father Ramón and brothers Marcus and Julito, Marigaby serves a population of millions, facing extreme medical emergencies to earn a living.”
Familia de medianoche, the cast
In the cast of Midnight family there are Joaquín Cosío, Renata Vaca, Diego Calva and Sergio Bautista, with the special participation of Óscar Jaenada, José María de Tavira, Itzan Escamilla, Mariana Gómez, Dolores Heredia and Yalitza Aparicio.
Familia de medianoche, the production
Midnight family is created by showrunner and director Natalia Beristáin and created for television by Julio Rojas and Ariel Award winner Gibrán Portela. The medical drama is produced for Apple TV+ by Fremantle and Fabula. The series is produced by Juan de Dios Larraín and Pablo Larraín through Fabula. Ángela Poblete and Mariane Hartard serve as executive producers alongside Natalia Beristáin. Rodrigo Herranz, Christian Vesper, Luke Lorentzen, Kellen Quinn, Josh Braun and Jonathan Bouzali also serve as executive producers. The project marks the second collaboration between Apple TV+, Fremantle and Beristáin, who previously directed episodes of the Apple Original series The Mosquito Coast.
Family of the night – Night emergencies, when it comes out
The ten-episode, one-hour medical drama will debut on Apple TV+ on September 25, 2024, with the first two episodes, followed by a new episode every Wednesday through November 20.